Last night was a night I love. It has not happened for a long time. Most importantly I could enjoy it without much worrying.
It poured with rain all night. All day too but last night made me extremely happy. I love the sounds of rain. On the roof, on the road, hearing the creek across the road from us running so fast it sounds like the ocean. I am so glad we got to have a colourbond roof. It really is one of my most favourite sounds, rain hitting a tin roof. Something about it is so relaxing and sleep inducing!!
It was the first real rain we have had since being in the new place and it was so nice to not have to run around with towels and mops cleaning up the leaks that would happen every time we had a drop of rain.
Bizarre to think 3 weeks ago we were preparing for the worst possible bushfire conditions and today it is the opposite.
I hope anyone in the flood affected areas are safe and well and that hopefully some of the rain has reached the right areas where it is badly needed.
I will be awol again this week I really just wanted to stop in and say hi. I have been reading but not commenting a lot this past couple of weeks, if you have that disqis system then I cannot comment at all. Hopefully I will be back in full swing next week.
I have been snippy all week over the BORING topic of breastfeeding. FFS
Why this is still an issue in 2013 is beyond me. FFS
Yesterday I was over my snippyness until I saw a thread on facebook about having an epidural. For the love of god does it matter if you had one or not or if you pushed a baby out of your vajayjay or it came out of the sunroof. FFS
Well apparently it does. FFS
Not to me though. FFS
I really do not give a crap how you do it. FFS
I had 2 non epidural births and both times I begged for one. Especially first time around when the little angel was posterior. FFS
Does that make me some kind of wonder woman with the power to judge other women and their choices? No it does not. FFS
Does that give you the right to judge me? No it does not. FFS
Will I sell my firstborn to get one this time around. Damn straight. FFS
And as for the topic of breastfeeding I will seriously lose my shit if I hear anymore about it. FFS
Attacking people for feeding their child is not cool. FFS
I chose to cover up when feeding in public and will do the same this time around however should a cover not be available I will feed my child anyway. FFS
Because its fine to cover up if you want to and are not comfortable with the judgey judgey people of the world or if you just are not comfortable full stop with flashing your own boobs in public like I am. FFS
My children were only happy when there was 2 boobs on display hence the cover. FFS
Hats off to anyone who can do it discreetly. Discretion is not a word in my children's vocabulary. FFS
No wonder the breast feeding statistics are so low in Australia with the absolute lack of support and the attacking behaviour that goes on. FFS
Tiny babies do not care where you are, if they are hungry they need to be fed. FFS
Feed them. FFS
Its simple. FFS
I also mix fed my children with formula too. Judge that. FFS
I also had them in a forward facing pram. Again judge that. FFS
I also dared take my children for a haircut where it was discovered the 2 year old had dirt in his hair. Point me in the direction of any 2 year old who plays outside and does not have dirt in their hair. FFS
The bitchy hairdresser was lucky it was only dirt. FFS
Nice one Just Cuts you just lost yourselves some customers. FFS for you as its no skin off my nose.
I will turn to the almighty Bon Jovi for the last words from me today. "When the world gets in my face I say HAVE A NICE DAY" Sing it Jon. FFS
Linking up with Dear Baby G for this snippy FFS Friday.
Readers choice is back for the year after a few weeks hiatus/pregnancy induced sickness!! First topic of the year is a doozy and brought to you by Musings of the Misguided.
If you could have any meal, anywhere, with anyone what would it be?
Dinner will be on Castaway Island in Fiji.
Years ago the HOTH and I had dinner at the top of Centrepoint Tower and there is nowhere I can think of that I have to try or go to so back to Fiji it is!!
It will be a Mexican feast as it is my favourite food. I am a simple girl, give me a bistro schnitty and chips and I am happy!! I just love real Mexican food!!
Chimichunga so yummy!!
My guest list is a varied list of people.
Jon Bon Jovi and Rob Thomas (plus bands) not just for the perve factor but for their music!!
Kurt Sutter and his amazing wife Katey Sagal. This man is a genius and I adore Katey she is an amazing actress and singer.
Mother Theresa
Robin Williams
David Attenborough. For the HOTH as I guess he would be included on my list!!
A random bizarre list of people I know!! All people who I admire for very different reasons.
I would love to know who is on your list, where you would love to eat and what you will be dining on?
Before I start todays lengthy pregnancy related FFS post I thought I should have a little disclaimer. Although this is by far the biggest surprise ever we are so incredibly happy and excited to be having no3 (jellybean, jb). However
Morning/ all day/ into the night sickness. FFS
I never had that the other 2 times. FFS
It really sux. This explains my absence from the internet. FFS
I spend my days either feeling like I am going to chuck or if I am lucky actually chucking. FFS
Lovely. FFS
Insomnia. I thought this kicked in towards the end not at the start. FFS
As I was in complete denial after I saw the 2 pink lines my body decided to made it absolutely clear that I was actually pregnant and my stomach popped out the next day. So the last few weeks I have been walking around looking like I am 6 months pregnant. FFS
Apparently none of the shops sell any decent maternity clothes anymore. FFS
I need clothes as I no longer fit into anything I have. FFS
I also got rid of pretty much all of the maternity clothes I had as I was not having another baby. FFS
I refuse to spend a gazillion dollars on stuff I am only wearing for a few months. FFS
Thank god for google as apparently pregnant women do not need maternity boardshorts anymore. FFS
In other non pregnancy news the boys had a giant huntsman spider in their room, the HOTH took it out last night and put it in a tree, this morning there is a dead spider in there so who knows what has been going on in there. FFS
Thats it for me, who ever said baby brain does not exist needs to spend a day with me. FFS
Oh and Mother Nature I know you read last weeks post and sorted the weather out could you please sort todays out. FFS
Until this morning sickness eases things will be a little quiet around here. I haven't been able to reply to comments or anything it really sux, hopefully I will be back to normal soon!!
Still no uploading of photos on blogger so today my inspiration has come from the HOTH "dumpster diving" and bringing home Harper's Bazaar from last month. Normally I flick through these mags and then ask the important questions like why we do not have an estate on a Caribbean Island or why I am not wearing $1000 shoes however the article I read about the Chanel jewellery was fascinating. I also demanded to know why I did not have this $500k brooch!! The answer was not really repeatable funnily enough!!
Its been a funny few days around these parts. Basically zero time for blogging and today is no different. Hopefully tomorrow will be a different day but for now I am off to tackle the housework with my music cranked loudly, much to the kids disgust as they cannot hear the tv!!
Its been like My Big Fat Greek Wedding around here with more plate smashing by yours truly. FFS
My most notable eff up of the week would have to be when I smashed the plate containing Sunday nights dinner of left over homemade pizza. FFS
The dogs really enjoyed it. FFS
As much as they enjoyed the tub of peanut butter they stole off the kitchen bench. FFS
The only other thing thats gone on around here is the extreme heat. FFS
If you live somewhere there has been a heatwave or its permanently hot I stand up and applaud you as I officially cannot handle it. FFS
We only had 1 day of it and it ruined me. FFS
It got to 41 but then was still 36 at 1030pm. FFS
Mother Nature sort yourself out as this shit is not on. FFS
An air conditioner would not go astray. FFS
It was also the first time our area faced catastrophic bush fire conditions. Luckily there was no fires in our area. Totally not FFS.
Although FFS for all the people affected by fires across the country.
I also found a couple of things that should be banned when the temps are so hot. These include cleaning poo off carpet and having visitors meaning I have to put clothes on. FFS
Special mention to facebook for being crap, blogger for not letting me upload photos and hotmail for being down for 24 hours. FFS
All of which are free and I should not be complaining. FFS
There must be more stuff for the week however my brain is still fried and I simply cannot think what they are so I will leave it. FFS
Linking up for the weekly whinge with Dear Baby G. Feel free to share any whinges/complaints from your week!!
Ps I am an asshole as I walk around in the summertime saying how about this heat.
It does not seem right that this kid is 2. It feels like it was last week that I found out I was pregnant with him and just yesterday that he was born. He is awesome in every way possible and he has completely stolen my heart.
I really wanted to share other photos of him but apparently blogger is having issues today and I cannot upload any so I had to copy this from my facebook page. I hope this is not an ongoing problem or there will be no more wordless wednesdays for me!!
I was going to write a post about bushfires today and how we are in the middle of a catastrophic day. I have nothing really to say. Our plan is set ie GET THE HELL OUT and the house is as prepared as it will ever be. There is nothing more to do except spend today keeping cool. I feel for the people who have lost their houses in Tasmania over the last few days. Is it true they do not back burn down there?
Anyway rather than dwell on how today is one of those sucky please be over quickly kind of days I will instead say this.
BON JOVI HAVE A NEW SONG AND IT ROCKS AND I LOVE IT!! I just made this discovery and have already played this about 10 times. What a fantastic distraction for this crap house day. Thanks Bon Jovi.
Stay safe and cool and a big thanks to the rural firies for all the hard work they do. I really hope they get to spend today in the aircon at the fire station.
Happy Birthday to my gorgeous 2 year old for yesterday. Here is a list of some of the songs that were popular when he was born and also his favourite song of the week by The Wiggles!!
Linking up`with Little White Dove for the first boogie of the year!!
Also linking this up for open slather with One Mother Hen as sometimes music is a great distraction and is good for you!!
4 days into the new year and there is plenty of ffs stuff going on around here. FFS
Getting home on New years day at 230am to find one of our dogs missing. FFS
We got him back (thank goodness) about 1030am and were back to yelling at him not long after. Stupid mutt. FFS
Delivered to the door no less. FFS
Turns out he had a blast with his new friends, had his own lounge and plenty of pats. A lot like his life here. FFS
His new friends loved him and they were tempted to keep him. I have nearly sent him back numerous times. FFS
We have been blaming the kids for breaking our fly screen door but it turns out it was the dog all along which I found out yesterday morning. FFS
The other dog is malting massive clumps of hair all over the house. FFS
The HOTH went back to work on Wednesday and I planned to hit the shops to buy some new dog tags and a trike for the babies birthday. Drove the 40 odd klms to the shops, got the kids out of the car, grabbed my bag only to discover my wallet was not there but sitting on the kitchen counter. FFS
We went back yesterday and I wish I had gone somewhere else. I could not get a thing I wanted especially the trike. FFS
Plus I was met with some serious attitude by the dog tag lady and all kmart sells at the moment is womens jeans and kids school gear. FFS
I did however get some socks for the big one. He will need 2 pairs of matching socks a week so I have the first 2 weeks covered. The rest of the year will be a free for all. FFS
He keeps sorting through his clothes getting them ready for school. Its going to be a long 26 days if he keeps this up. FFS
The baby is 2 tomorrow. He is making sure his last week as a 1 year old is very memorable. FFS
The earliest both kids have been in bed in the last few weeks is 9pm. FFS
It is driving me insane. Plus they both decided yesterday that they did not need to have a nap. FFS
I thought for sure they would go to bed at a normal time but no 10pm was the go. FFS
The baby woke up last night about 330am. He is currently sleeping in my bed. FFS
2 overtired cranky kids has been so much fun the last few weeks. FFS
The highlight of my week has been buying a dustbuster. I would love to know when my life became so exciting. FFS
I think thats a wrap for this week. Linking up for the first whinge of the year with Dear Baby G.
We are so lucky to have had a once in a lifetime experience on new years eve. We got to spend the night watching the fireworks from the 22 floor of Observation Tower which is on Kent Street overlooking the harbour bridge and opera house. I cannot describe how incredible it was to see both fireworks shows from that vantage point. I took a heap of photos but most of them turned out blurry but I have a few to share anyway.
View from the balcony.
Redbull stunt planes. These guys are insane!!
9pm fireworks.
9pm fireworks
Happy New Year!! Pretty much taken at midnight. This is about the only photo of the midnight fireworks as the baby wanted to go inside.
Stole this from The Telegraph website!!
My favourite photo from the night. Fireworks Mummy.
Linking up for the first Wordless Wednesday of 2013 with My Little Drummer Boys. Happy New Year!!
I had no intentions of posting today. We had a massive night and I am exhausted. We are probably the luckiest people in the world as we know some people who have rented a unit in the city of Sydney that overlooks the harbour bridge and we spent the night watching the fireworks from the 22nd floor balcony. We were only going to stay for the 9pm fireworks but ended up staying until after the midnight ones and I am so thankful we did. Awesome does not sum up the night. In fact I can only think of swear words to describe just how awesome it was!! I have some cool pics to share tomorrow!!
After battling the traffic we ended up driving over the harbour bridge, flipping a u-turn to head south. We got home about 230am to find our dog missing. He is such a scaredy cat and really freaks out when there is thunder or fireworks and apparently the fireworks in our town were going off last night and even thought the HOTH left the door open so the dogs could hang out inside he took off.
I drove around looking for him with no luck and we went to bed hoping that someone had found him and he was ok. We got up this morning and I thought to check our local facebook page and there he was. A private message and an hour or so later and he was delivered to our door by 2 awesome people. I cannot describe how much gratitude I have to have him home safe and sound. We were all so happy to see him even if 10 minutes later he was back to trying to steal the kids food!!
Moral of the story- Karma, what goes around comes around and for all the times we have taken in a wandering dog and found its owner it has completely worked in our favour!! Oh and make sure I buy new tags for the dogs collars but I am on to that tomorrow!!
Karma, random acts of kindness/pay it forward will feature heavily around here this year. It can take something as simple as helping someone with directions or helping someone reach something on a shelf to make a difference in someones day and its something I have always tried to do. Imagine if every person in the world did one nice thing for just one other person everyday/ Sometimes the little things can matter the most.
The picture from facebook.
So for the first time in 2013 (yes I keep writing the date so I get used to it!!) I am linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT.
Oh and guess who is halfway through her first book in the 13/13 challenge?!