Thursday, 17 October 2013

Giggles for your Thursday

Reminds me a little of someone I know!!

The lounge theme this week is Make me laugh.  I found these on my facebook feed and stole them as they made me giggle.  I hope they give you a smile too!!

Linking up for the first time in ages with the chicks at The Lounge  which this week is over at the fab robomum.


  1. That checklist could simply have 'don't have time for your shit' and that would be perfect. Might get me a tshirt...

  2. Love them - thank you for making me laugh !!!
    Have the best day !

  3. I just laughed out loud for the first time today - ADORE ADORE - thanks for laugh - they are right up my alley. Deodorant one my fav - Em x

  4. Ha ha - love the witch's bra one!

  5. The first picture really made me LOL! That is such an apt illustration of where we will be when our kids are grown... hehehe

  6. I love the deodorant one too! I think her name is Maxine ;) Cheers for the giggle and thanks for linking! Robo X

  7. I know someone who did the deodorant thing...she was a little bit special.

  8. For some reason those last witches had me giggling out loud! Thanks for the laugh!

  9. Lol, the deodorant one reminds me of a Not The Nine O'clock News sketch where Rowan Atkinson goes into a Chemist shop and asks for a deodorant - The Swedish Chemist asks (in a heavily accented voice) - 'ball or aerosol?' to which he replies - 'No, I want it for my armpits ...'


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