Dear Fun Police
Get over yourselves regarding the no make up selfies. Is raising awareness not acceptable anymore. Maybe the people complaining didn't get tagged and are jealous? For the record I don't normally join in these things however my lovely friend tagged me and as she has had a rough time lately I decided to cheer her up and post my selfie. Yes I did it in black and white (apparently these were problems as people were using filters etc and they were not "natural"pictures) as it was 11pm and I could not be arsed getting up and finding decent lighting. I also did not donate money, oooh shock horror. I did just recently buy a pink ribbon mop and we donated to the cancer council last month, is that ok??
Also it was a campaign to raise money for breast cancer research in England that went global. Maybe you whingers could start one here instead of complaining about it, just a thought.
Saturday ended up being a hilarious day on facebook seeing more and more people join in turning facebook into something good for a change. The lovely lady on the right is one of my very good friends, isn't she beautiful!!
Dear Mother Nature
No more rain at school drop off and pick up please. Pretty please with a soggy (after yesterdays mega down pour) cherry on top. Seriously I don't care if it rains all day just back off when we have to leave the house!!
Thank you kindly
Dear Awesome Blog Readers
It is my birthday today. I am older than yesterday!! It is also Elton John, Aretha Franklin and Sarah Jessica Parker's birthday too. I will be spending the day doing exactly what I normally do on a Tuesday. Not that I am complaining as in a few very short weeks I will be kicking back in Fiji. Life is good, or will be as soon as I hit the swim up bar!!
Thank you for all the comments and support you all continue to show me. Have a drink for me later!!
Linking up with
Essentially Jess for #ibot.