Friday, 10 April 2015

Things I Know #55- Your Mama is a snow blower Song of the day #31

It has been very quiet on the internet front here this last week.

I am quite happy living in a bubble at the moment.

It seems like every time I force myself to connect with the outside world via the internet I encounter so much crap that it is just better to remain switched off.

We have had a really good week, just chillin.  The kids have been watching the movie Short Circuit on repeat and I have to admit it is kind of cool to see them so into something I liked when I was little!!

Although they have seen it so many times they can repeat it word for word!!

So there you have it, Things I Know for this week.

Do you know something this week??  

Link it up here!!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. My kids haven't watched that yet! I should put it on the list of movies I'm collecting for them. I think once I have all the movies on my ever growing list I'll be able to fill a library!

    I have the two girls watching Crossroads (Britney Spears) for the first time at the moment, man she was young!

    Have a fabulous weekend hun xo

  2. My kids love that movie as well. It is such a classic. Have a great weekend lovely xx

  3. I haven't heard about that movie but it is really cool that your kids enjoy something you used to love.

  4. I saw the ad that Short Circuit was going to be on and totally forgot to record it! So annoyed, I loved that movie when I was a kid too! Hope you had a great Easter!


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