
Friday 27 June 2014

Things I Know #13 First ever giveaway

In honour of the fact I clicked over 100 likers on Facebook last week I decided to have a little giveaway!!

So easy to enter, just leave me a comment with your answer to "What song gets you up dancing around??"

Entries close on Wednesday night at 1159pm.  The winner will be judged by an esteemed panel of experts ie the kids!!  I will announce the winner next Friday in #tik.  (This is just a little bit of fun, I purchased the itunes card myself.  As it is an Australian gift card this is little comp is only open to Australians however if you are from overseas please still leave a comment!!)

Linking up with Mums Take Five for Sunday Brunch and
one mother hen   for #openslather.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Things I suck at

The topic this week over at The Lounge is Things I suck at.  Good lord where do I start!!

I put the call out on Facey again and got some more great responses!!

  • Rae said Baking
  • Ness said Blogging, cooking, housework, being organised. Life, really. Sigh..
  • RenĂ©e said  I am the world's worst housewife
  • People Don't Eat Enough Fudge Would you like a list? Oh hang on - I REALLY suck at writing lists ... and following them .... and knowing where they are .
I pretty much suck at all of these too!!  I can bake/cook some alright things I just cannot present them.  Dinner at our house tastes good but is slop on a plate!!  I cannot even line a cake tin properly so my cakes look shite before they even make it in the oven!!

Other notable things I suck at include

  • reverse parking my car.  I don't think I have reverse parked since I got my licence!!
  • remembering things.  Unless I put a reminder in my phone I forget 99% of all I need to do.
  • not getting distracted.
This week though I suck at understanding the schools curriculum.  (Do you like what I did there Robomum!!)  For example I don;t get why kids are learning things like crossing the road safely or keeping medicines out of reach.  To me these are things they should be taught at home.  As a teacher do you have to 

Because I also suck at writing a decent blog post that is it for me today!!  Well that and I suck at having kids who like sleep.  I have a sneaking suspicion there are more teeth on the way for Speedy and apparently there was a weird noises outside which was why there was a baby, a 3 year old and myself trying to sleep on the lounge most of the night meaning my brain is fried today!!  

Linking up this sucky post with Robomum who is hosting The Lounge this week.

Ps be sure to pop by tomorrow for a special #tik!!

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Wordless Wednesday/Thankful Thursday- A new project and too many choices

It was a nice day for being outside!!
We have narrowed it down to these!!  I prefer the darker pavers.
Someone was happy to be freed after cracking a wobbly!!

We are about to embark on a backyard makeover.  A couple of paved areas and a wall to cover up the ugly colourbond fence.  I never thought we would be spending our weekends picking out colours etc but here we are!!  This time there is no pressure, last time we were doing this was when the builders needed the colours for building the house and we had limited time to get it sorted.  This time we can spend as long as we like picking things out.  I am just a little excited for the finished product!!

Linking up with My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday and Creating Contentment for Thankful Thursday

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Bloggy Housekeeping

Talking about my blog today and what the go is aounrd here.

This little space here has been all mine for the last 2 and a half years and I love it!!

Firstly commenting.  Thank you for leaving comments.  I love them I really do and I wish I could reply back on the blog but I just can;t.  When I am on the computer I am blogging or reading blogs and I can't comment on any blogger blogs from my phone (stupid technology) and at the moment I just do not have the time to do everything.  I am too scared of losing all the comments I have to change the commenting system so that I am able to use my phone to reply back.  However if you make sure your email  is not noreply I can reply to the comment I get via an email notification.

I do try to comment on as many blogs as I can but at the moment a like on facey or +1 on google means I have read it but just don't have a chance to comment.

Facebook or google+ or instagram are my preferred other forms of communication as I can reply/comment from my phone.

I am still getting the hang of google+!!  It seems to be a little better than facey as it doesn't seem to discriminate and shows all posts.

I am also on twitter but very rarely use it, just for tweeting any link ups I join in.  I do get into the odd conversation over there but not really.  Not enough hours in the day!!

A big thing happened over on facebook and that is I ticked over to 100 likers.  Mainly thanks to Kylie's share the love sunday and Always Josefa's duf duf (double up Friday).  Both are a great way to promote yourself and other blogs you enjoy.

So in summary please connect with me via those little icons up there  in the corner so that I can connect/comment/reply to you!!

Because it would not be an #ibot without a vid from the tube here is Pearl Jam singing a little "let it go"

Linking up with Essentially Jess for #ibot.

Ps Don't forget to pop by here on Friday for a special #tik!!

Monday 23 June 2014

Friday funky mood music

On Friday the whole house was in a shocking mood.  We were all cranky and I was particularly over everything.  So we put on the radio and danced around.  I love how we all love such different genres of music.  I would love to know who Your'e so vain is about.  I also love my digital radio (when it works properly!!).

Linking up with One Mother Hen for #openslather.

Ps I might have a little something special lined up for Friday's #tik!! Can't say too much!!

Friday 20 June 2014

Things I Know #12- Ham and corn muffins


Corn and ham muffins

Put one cam of creamed corn in a bowl, use the empty can and put one can of self raising flour in, 1 egg, a splash of milk, a handful of grated cheese and about 100g chopped ham.  Mix until just combined.  Bake at 180 deg for about 20 minutes or until they are lightly browned and springy when you touch them.  Makes 12,  I don't see why you can't freeze them.

I know I saw this recipe on a blog but cannot for the life of me tell you whose so if you know where I saw it please let me know!!  

This was the kids dinner last night.  It has been a disjointed week as the HOTH has been working long hours and getting home when the kids are in bed so rather than do the dinner time battle I have done a meal for them and a meal for us. These are such a yummy recipe and so easy!!  2 out of 3 ate them (although the one who didn't had a banana about 10 minutes before these were ready!!) so I call it a win.

In other news apparently facebook broke yesterday and the world did not stop.

If you wash a disposable nappy in with your clothes, don't swear just take it out and rewash everything.  All the little chrystally things were gone after I rewashed it!!

I put in my a-z on Monday the word karma for K.  In light of what has gone on the last few days in the blogging world I think maybe a certain website should remember this little word..  

In the really good things I know, we went to Disney on Ice, the kids loved it and I highly recommend it.

But the best news of all is that I have a certain 3 year old who is completely day time toilet trained.  I am so proud and happy for him.

And there we have it.  Another #tik done and dusted!!  A fairly quiet week with not much to report!!  

Thursday 19 June 2014

If money was no object

;If money was no object is the prompt for The Lounge today.  I put the call out on facebook for what you guys would do and got some great responses.

Renae said That's a toughy!! What ever it is I'm sure it would involve a nanny & a personal chef 

Nays said  I would help my family and then travel to Bali and help in the orphanages and perhaps teach my own children how fortunate they really are. I'd love them to experience the world through many different eyes...

Rae said Give up work and volunteer and enrol in a writing degree at Uni.

In reality I would still be a stay at home mum but with a permanent baby sitter on call so I can do things like go on excursions or help in the classroom.  Also so the HOTH and I could go out for dinner once in a while!!  

We would still live in the same house I would just buy the neighbours properties and put in a pool and a bigger shed.  Maybe extend our house so I can have a lady cave!!

Once the baby starts preschool I would volunteer at an animal shelter, an aged care facility and a children's hospital.  I would also donate a tonne of money to getting young people out of nursing homes and into their own care facilities with people their own age.

I would set the kids up for life but still make them work.  Just like Donald Trump who makes his kids work for their money although they have pretty cushie jobs!!

I would also give to family and friends.  

Because reality can be slightly boring here is my extravagant list.

 I would buy the Celine Dion house.  She sold it not long ago for roughly $72million.

 Private jet to travel around in.

 2 weeks a year here with helicopter transfers!!

 one of these driven by one of these 

 the weekend mobile!!

 My personal trainer!!

Other totally extravagant things I would do- hire a masseuse, make up artist and stylist, close the shops so I am the only customer and hire Mary Poppins herself.

Lastly I would have Bon Jovi (with Ritchie) perform at 2 parties a year!!

Linking up with Where the Wild Things Were who is the special guest host of The Lounge this week.

To any Queenslanders reading this GO THE BLUES.  It was a dirty grubby game but NSW got there in the end!!

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Wordless Wednesday- #randomzAenten June

#often #tempted


A bonus of Shiraz!!  I am supposed to be selling this pram but how can I when it is now her bed!!


I love the #randomzenten challenge set by Lisa from Random Acts of Zen.  Halfway through June and I am nearly done!!  It is a great way to use Instagram sort of productively!!

Linking up with My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Don't Stop Treasure Trove #ibot

We can all blame Sarah from PEOPLE DON'T EAT ENOUGH FUDGE for the lack of a decent #ibot post today.  You see she awarded the world a Liebster and I was going to claim it today as I had nothing else planned but then she deleted her post meaning I now have nothing except random shite for today.

Firstly The Wiggles.  You are a pack of money hungry grubs.  I looked at booking tickets to see them in December.  Charging children 12 months and up for a ticket is just plain wrong and I will not be a part of it.  As if an 18 month old will sit in its own seat for an entire show.  That is just plain greedy, do you not get enough money from merchandise that now you have to charge for not even toddlers.  Bite me.

Next drivers of the world.  Stop driving slowly in the fast lane.  Also turn on your lights if it is cloudy or raining or foggy.  Actually just stay off the road if I am driving!!  Also it would suck to be the mum who got done speeding in the school zone this morning.  Pulled over as the world drove by.

Song of the week has been stuck in my head   I do love my teeny bopper music!!

Disney on Ice was awesome.  The kids loved it.  Plus they did not charge for under 2's.  Take a note wiggles.

Linking this ridiculously lame post for #ibot with Essentially Jess.

Monday 16 June 2014

a-z of me

  • aries
  • bitch
  • charming
  • drama queen
  • empathetic
  • fortunate
  • grumpy
  • happy
  • ideas
  • joking
  • karma
  • loyal
  • music lover
  • not
  • open
  • pet lover
  • quiz
  • reader
  • sarcastic
  • tick
  • unco
  • valid
  • weird
  • xray
  • ying yang
  • zephyr
Linking up my a-z with My Home Truths with the prompt this week for I Must Confess being the a-z of you and One Mother Hen for #openslather

Friday 13 June 2014

Things I Know #11- Where have all the bandaids gone??

If you read yesterdays post you will be pleased to know I forgot a few other minor swear inducing things.

Like when I smashed the bottle I cut my finger picking up a piece of glass.

Which bled and bled and bled.  Then bled some more.

I could not find one band aid in the house anywhere.  Hence the title of today!!

I can't blame the dogs for missing bandaids but can blame hem for a loaf of bread and I am sure a bottle of canola oil that have disappeared lately.

Sunday night we were watching 60 minutes with the story on The Eagles.  Bugger it we said, lets go and see them next year.  Not at the prices they want to charge.  The cheapest tickets are behind the stage.

I popped into to the big shops yesterday to get a warm doona for the 3 year old and a couple of other bits and pieces.  I was also on the hunt for some bigger onsies for the baby who won't stop growing.  Why oh why is the majority of baby clothes white or light coloured.  I managed to get a couple of things that were darker colours but seriously light colours on small children is not a match made in heaven!!

Still on yesterdays post I should clarify that 1 or 2 nights a week the kids do get baked beans or chicken nuggets for dinner and much to their disgust they don't get that every night!!

On a more positive note we are off to see Disney on Ice this weekend.  I have always wanted to see it and am just a little excited!!  The boys don/t know yet!!

I love my top 40 music and really miss how rage usde to have the top 50 countdown on Saturday mornings.  Lucky for me there is the tube to catch up on all the music.  This film clip is however slightly disturbing!!  Who strips off to there undies when doing the groceries??!!

 Thats it oh and happy Friday the 13th too!!

Thursday 12 June 2014

Thankful for swear words and winter

Some days/weeks/years stuff happens and the only appropriate response is to say ffs or another favourite of mine you have to be shitting me.

Take for example some of the things that have occurred in the last week or so

  • The wheel fell off the pram as I was putting it in the car on Thursday, I forgot about it and when I went to get it out on Friday and couldn't fix it then had to carry a weighty baby around at school pick up.
  • Then I forgot about it again and when I went to get it out to walk to soccer on Saturday (we were running late) and the HOTH could not fix it as it was missing a vital part which could be anywhere and we had to use our cheap crappy stroller which is not good for doing any kind of walking.
  • As I was taking all the recycling out to the bin I dropped a bottle in the hallway.  I kid you not there was glass from one end of the house to the other.
  • Which brings me to winter- I love it.  I love being able to cook hot meals like last night.  A basic chicken tonight (honey mustard yum), roast sweet potato and some other veggies.  Do you think my bloody kids would eat it??  One went to bed at 6pm rather than eat it and the other one mushed it into a big mess on his plate.  
  • There are so many yummy winter foods that I would love to make but cannot be arsed as the kids won't touch it.
  • Other things that have really made me roll my eyes and swear like a trouper this week include minding a dog for some family who were going away.  That stinking dog kept escaping and as we live on a busy street nearly got hit by a gazillion cars.  I even had to drive around in my pjs trying to get that dog to come back.  We had every possible escape route blocked off and in the end he just dug more holes.  Plus our dogs barked at it for no reason, the first night all effing night long.
  • The baby is making me swear like a sailor too.  Now I know no one in their right mind would say what I am about to but seriously for the love of all that is holy MOVE KID.  Start crawling asap.  You will love it, and you will stop yelling at me all day because you are frustrated.  You will be able to follow your brothers around and get into more toys.  Just give it a go!!  (i reserve the right to swear about a crawling baby getting into everything at a later date!!)
Linking up my thankfulness of swearing with the first ever #thankfulthursday at Creating Contentment and with Musings of the Misguided who is hosting The Lounge this week with the topic of winter.

Don't forget to pop over and link up for #tik tomorrow!!

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Wordless Wednesday- Some Fiji photos

The best of the hilarious attempt at stand up paddle boarding!!

Linking up these holiday snaps with My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday.
There are loads more that need organising!!

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Another dodgy #ibot post #prettylittlepackage

Following on from last weeks post I have seen this floating around for a while.  Now I just need to get the kids to actually be willing participants instead of whinging and whining so much I just do it myself!!  I have a plan though.........

RIP Rik.  Thank you for the laughs, especially this song which makes me cry laughing every time I see it!!

I love doing the groceries and hearing songs I love and haven't heard in ages!!  I may or may not have been sprung singing along to Lullaby!!

prettylittlepackage #prettylittlepackage round 2 is open for registrations!!  I loved doing this last time and I am looking forward to this time!!  Head over to Where The Styled Things Are. for all the information!!

Linking up another faily dodgy #ibot with Essentailly Jess.

Friday 6 June 2014

Chocolate Spiders



1 pkt Chang’s Original Fried Noodles (100g)
2 Tbspns Crunchy Peanut Butter
200g Cooking Chocolate (milk or dark)

Microwave chocolate and peanut butter in microwave safe mixing bowl for about 30 seconds on high. If not melted, then microwave again in 5 second intervals. Mix well until it is a smooth paste. Add noodles and coat them well. Spoon the mixture onto grease-proof paper, or into individual paper patty pans. Using heaped teaspoons, this mixture will yield 30 to 40 spiders.
Place in refrigerator until set.
Please note this recipe contains peanuts.
Chocolate melts also works well with this recipe. It gives a smoother texture.
The spiders can be kept in a sealed container in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
They can be kept in freezer for even longer time.

Seriously the easiest recipe ever!!  A great one for kids to help with. The 3 year old and I had a blast yesterday making these.  They do have peanut butter in them but I think you can probably not use it and they would still be yum although I am no Martha so don't take my word for it!!  I also only had smooth peanut butter but I can't imagine that makes a huge difference.

Linking up an unprecedented quadruple whammy with Lauren and Lucy from Fabulous Foodie FridaysMums Take Five for Sunday Brunch and One Mother Hen for #openslather and the lovely ladies from Melting Moments for their Weekly Wrap Up

Things I Know #10- Thankful Thursday

I was going to whinge about the last week but I decided not too.  I have decided instead to be thankful so that I can link up for the last time with Rhianna before she passes the #thankfulthursday torch to Sarah from Creating Contentment.

So this week I know I am Thankful for-

  • The fact this week is over!!  It has been one of those weeks but it is Friday and a long weekend to boot!!  Although I have said for ages this long weekend should be moved to July to even out the spaces!!
  • Facebook has not only been a source of inspiration but a place of a kind word, a laugh and a little support this week.  Plus some new likers so thanks facebook followers!!
  • You tube.  I have been blasting music all week.  Thanks to the tube suggesting songs I night like I have heard some awesome ones this week!!

  • Hand holding- A few times this week both big boys have held my hand when we were walking.  I will remember these times for when they are too big to hold hands!!
  • I am also thankful an epic parenting fail turned out ok.  I forgot it was mufti day today.  I had a sinking feeling in my gut all day after we got to school and saw all the kids out of uniform but kindy kid came home and didn't really care.  Apparently it was on the schools blog plus in the note sent home 2 weeks ago.  Whoops!!
  • Another tooth popped through which explains the early morning/late nights Speedy and I have enjoyed!!
  • Lastly I am thankful for Rhianna from A Parenting Life.  She is about to embark on an adventure of a lifetime with her family and I hope she has an amazing time.  If you make it to Sydney let me know as I would love to meet you!!  Rhianna has been an amazing supporter of mine and I just love her fairy wishes and butterfly kisses.  
There you have it, a whole #thankfulthursday post with no real complaining as "gratitude is an attitude"

Thursday 5 June 2014

Money Money Money Money

I love money but I couldn't think of a thing to write about for todays link up with The Lounge so I put the call out on facey and put all the ideas together!!

Kirsten from Kirsten and co. came up with ABBA and Monopoly.  I just love the cat Monopoly ad!!

Renee from Nee Say asked What would you do if you found $100000 under your floor boards??

The boring reality is I would put it all on the mortgage.  But in my dreams I would buy a 7 seater car ( I love the colour of the one in the picture!!)  and I would put in a pool.  Probably not as cool as the guitar as we don't have a big enough yard!!  Or as elaborate as the entire house/waterpark Celine Dion had!!  Just a simple pool with solar heating!!  Anything leftover would be used to buy a new handbag, just because I have always wanted my own Louis!!

Lastly was an awesome piece of useless information from another commenter- 90 percent of $20 notes in the USA have traces of cocaine on them ...   Interesting!!

Linking up with Robomum who is the host of The Lounge this week.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Wordless Wednesday- Cranky clouds

Linking up these clouds we saw at soccer with My Little Drummer Boys.  Luckily the rain held off!!

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Shows, crochet and quirky kids

If I thought Sunday sucked well Monday decided it wanted too as well.  It is really turning into one of those weeks here.  For example it turns out every email I have sent in the last few weeks actually has not been sent at all.  Yep awesomeness at its best.

A big Thanks to Mums Take Five who answered my call out for #ibot topics for today.  As after I stuffed around figuring out what was going on I had fried my brain and had nothing left to use for writing the amazing post I had wanted too!!

Are musicals making a come back?

Did musicals ever go away??  Personally I love a musical.  Last one I saw in a theatre was Mary Poppins.  I also love to watch musical movies like Grease.  

The stats I read about Broadway musicals is incredible.  Last year 12.21 million people went to a Broadway show and they raked in $1.27 billion.  Amazing.  I would love to know how Australia compares.  Seeing more shows will be on my list when the kids are older and can come too or when getting a baby sitter isn't such a dilemma.  For all the Frozen fans apparently there will be a stage musical at some stage.

Do you have to crochet to be cool?

Apparently yes!!  Which makes me mega uncool as I cannot even sew a button on!!  I can do basic knitting but really need some help.  I should look into getting lessons as I need someone to actually show me how to do stuff and not just read it in a book or on a tube tutorial.  

Coolness is overrated anyway!!

How to get kids to clean their room?

Yep will leave this one well alone!!  The 2 big boys share a room.  The idea is that their bedroom is just for sleeping and not for playing.  Uh huh.  Thats working out great.  Sarcasm people sarcasm.  

They drive me nuts.  Example- The 3 year old will only wear clothes with a 3 on the tag.  Not a 4 and definitely not a 2.  We all know how dodgy the sizing is in clothes but a 3 year year old does not get it!!  He also has very specific clothing he likes to wear and he will pull apart his drawers looking for one tshirt..  He gets so cranky if what he wants is in the wash!!  I shouldn't laugh but I find it funny (most days!!)  Some days I could bang my head against a brick wall and it would be less painful than trying to get him ready!!  Needless to say I send them in to get dressed and their room is trashed.  

Would you ever go on a reality tv show?

No probably not!!  I used to like watching them but now they just annoy me!!  I used to like Wife Swap and Extreme Makeover but they don't seem to be on anymore.  I also love the American version of Biggest Loser with Bob and Jillian which I sometimes see at 2am!!    I have been watching The Voice but it isn't doing a lot for me!!

So there we have it, an actual written #ibot with only one you tube clip, must be some kind of miracle!!  Linking up with Essentially Jess.

Monday 2 June 2014

I Must Confess- Random stuff I love #openslather

Maison (Aldi) Hand Mixer

Yesterday was one of those sucky days that sucked from the time I woke up (455am) until bedtime and then another wake up at 1130pm just to add insult to injury.  It really was a long day!!

These are things I found to love yesterday as I tried desperately to find the positives!!

  1. My dishwasher.  
  2. My $12 hand mixer from Aldi
  3. Betty Crocker cake mix surely even Martha herself must turn to a packet if she has a baking fail.
  4. Love love love this song turned up loud!!
  5. The best thing I have seen on tv in a long time!!  I have seen this clip a few times (thanks to some late night tv watching with a cranky baby!!)  and it still blows me away!!

Linking up my random list with Kirsty from My Home Truths for I Must Confess and One Mother Hen for #openslather.