
Thursday 19 June 2014

If money was no object

;If money was no object is the prompt for The Lounge today.  I put the call out on facebook for what you guys would do and got some great responses.

Renae said That's a toughy!! What ever it is I'm sure it would involve a nanny & a personal chef 

Nays said  I would help my family and then travel to Bali and help in the orphanages and perhaps teach my own children how fortunate they really are. I'd love them to experience the world through many different eyes...

Rae said Give up work and volunteer and enrol in a writing degree at Uni.

In reality I would still be a stay at home mum but with a permanent baby sitter on call so I can do things like go on excursions or help in the classroom.  Also so the HOTH and I could go out for dinner once in a while!!  

We would still live in the same house I would just buy the neighbours properties and put in a pool and a bigger shed.  Maybe extend our house so I can have a lady cave!!

Once the baby starts preschool I would volunteer at an animal shelter, an aged care facility and a children's hospital.  I would also donate a tonne of money to getting young people out of nursing homes and into their own care facilities with people their own age.

I would set the kids up for life but still make them work.  Just like Donald Trump who makes his kids work for their money although they have pretty cushie jobs!!

I would also give to family and friends.  

Because reality can be slightly boring here is my extravagant list.

 I would buy the Celine Dion house.  She sold it not long ago for roughly $72million.

 Private jet to travel around in.

 2 weeks a year here with helicopter transfers!!

 one of these driven by one of these 

 the weekend mobile!!

 My personal trainer!!

Other totally extravagant things I would do- hire a masseuse, make up artist and stylist, close the shops so I am the only customer and hire Mary Poppins herself.

Lastly I would have Bon Jovi (with Ritchie) perform at 2 parties a year!!

Linking up with Where the Wild Things Were who is the special guest host of The Lounge this week.

To any Queenslanders reading this GO THE BLUES.  It was a dirty grubby game but NSW got there in the end!!


  1. You love that Celine Dion house! I'd never seen it except here!. I like the idea of buying the neighbours houses (but I like our neighbours so I couldn't do that) for the helicopter, you couldn't pay me enough to go in one of those! Thanks for linking up and sorry for being a super moron with the hiding linky)

    1. Lydia C Lee - LOL _ I NEVER thought I would read of something you weren't prepared to try !!!!

  2. I would like to not have to work and do volunteer work. That plane looks rather nice too.
    How sad is it to be a Queenslander today - I think we should have a day of state mourning declared :(
    Hope you have the best day and one day win the Lotto !
    Me xox

  3. I like the idea of a private jet. I'm not great at flying but I think I'd be better at it if I had the luxury of a bed so when those Valium kick in I can lie down and enjoy the drug-induced relaxation.

  4. I haven't visited The Lounge for a while - might have to have a think on this one and pop over - I like the idea of having my very own island and helicopter ...

  5. I would love a then I don't have to put on pants so we can go out and get take away if I don't feel like cooking.

  6. Ohhhh, go the personal trainer, didn't think that one through, hold on, that would mean I would have to exercise and get red and sweaty in front of him. Not going to happen xxxxx


Thank you so much for reading whatever babbling has been written here!! Please feel free to leave a comment and I promise I do reply, usually by telepathy!!