
Tuesday 24 June 2014

Bloggy Housekeeping

Talking about my blog today and what the go is aounrd here.

This little space here has been all mine for the last 2 and a half years and I love it!!

Firstly commenting.  Thank you for leaving comments.  I love them I really do and I wish I could reply back on the blog but I just can;t.  When I am on the computer I am blogging or reading blogs and I can't comment on any blogger blogs from my phone (stupid technology) and at the moment I just do not have the time to do everything.  I am too scared of losing all the comments I have to change the commenting system so that I am able to use my phone to reply back.  However if you make sure your email  is not noreply I can reply to the comment I get via an email notification.

I do try to comment on as many blogs as I can but at the moment a like on facey or +1 on google means I have read it but just don't have a chance to comment.

Facebook or google+ or instagram are my preferred other forms of communication as I can reply/comment from my phone.

I am still getting the hang of google+!!  It seems to be a little better than facey as it doesn't seem to discriminate and shows all posts.

I am also on twitter but very rarely use it, just for tweeting any link ups I join in.  I do get into the odd conversation over there but not really.  Not enough hours in the day!!

A big thing happened over on facebook and that is I ticked over to 100 likers.  Mainly thanks to Kylie's share the love sunday and Always Josefa's duf duf (double up Friday).  Both are a great way to promote yourself and other blogs you enjoy.

So in summary please connect with me via those little icons up there  in the corner so that I can connect/comment/reply to you!!

Because it would not be an #ibot without a vid from the tube here is Pearl Jam singing a little "let it go"

Linking up with Essentially Jess for #ibot.

Ps Don't forget to pop by here on Friday for a special #tik!!


  1. I don't understand Google+ at all. That's the downside of getting older. Trying to understand all the new stuff when you're just getting a handle on the old. My kids have got me on Snapchat now and I find that it's ok to send quite horrific selfies on that because they'll disappear after a few seconds.

  2. I didn't know Kylie had a link-up until yesterday - will have to check that out. Don't stress over the social media thing. I comment when I have time but with 6 kids, that is not often - too busy actually blogging! :D (I quite like Google Plus and I have tripled my blog's traffic using it - very worthwhile getting the hang of it!)

  3. I have recently started blogging and have been fortunate enough to get comments on my blog. The post I put up yesterday had 13 comments which is huge for me and for the fact I've been blogging for one month. I replied to everyone as I have read thats what you should do. It got me wondering how on this earth I will keep up with commenting if it keeps growing and people like what I wright? There isn't enough time in one day, plus checking out other blogs, commenting on them, posting and interacting on instagram and Facebook and G+ (not that I do much on G+...No idea what I am meant to do). I don't have twitter but was considering it and I just have no idea how I will keep it up. I think this is a great post for your readers to know you acknowledge them and appreciate their comments :)

  4. Haha I haven't seen that video! Bit different from the original haha

  5. Google + is unchartered territory for me. I have a profile but that's it! Must look into the inner workings of it one day but then again I'm afraid of committing to another social media platform!! Thanks for the little dose of Mr Vedder x

  6. I totally don't get google plus...!

  7. Im still trying to figure out what the hell Im doing on google plus. I dont really understand it that well, but Im hoping with more practice I'll get it.

  8. I'm already stalking you all through the social space - Facebook, Instagram, Google+... ;)

  9. NO WAY my Eddie is singing this - gives me GOOSEBUMPS! Thanks for sharing, making me happy after a long crappy day xx

  10. LOVING that YouTube clip. Everyone is having a go at Frozen aren't they?! I have just liked you on FB and will check you out on Google Plus later too. I don't use Google Plus very often at all, but some people swear by it. Congrats on the 100 milestone. Hello via #teamIBOT.

  11. I'm clueless when it come to google + and I've been really rubbish with Fudges FB page (probably why it's only got 21 likes ;-) - Anyway, I shall pop over and like you on FB. I can comment from my phone but not if someone has word verification, it lets me comment but then doesn't recognise my verification, VERY frustrating! Btw - I dont know if you saw that I did eventually get around to the leibster post last week and tagged you in it.

  12. I've been having trouble keeping up with replying to comments lately, which makes me sad. I would love to find the time, but even blogging twice a week is a stretch for me at the moment.
    Sadly we can't do everything :(

  13. Hi Ann, I finally got back to commenting! I am the same as Jess, I aim for 2-3 blog posts in a good week, social media just sucks up the time. I like Google + and I probably get more feedback than FB at the moment.

  14. I echo your exact sentiments in relation to comments. It makes me feel not too bad knowing that you feel the same way (i.e. about not being able to respond to every single comment immdiately even though I want to)... I catch up on my blog and comment reading on my phone too... but typing a reply on my phone is next to impossible. I wish there was a universal app that allowed me to reply to comments with ease and simplicity.

  15. Love Eddie singing Frozen. How would I have known if you didn't show me?! Where do you find the time on youtube to find this stuff lol.
    I feel like I am always on catch up where the blog comments/social media is concerned.

  16. I'm finding less and less time to fit in all the blog reading I would love to do, let alone leave a comment but I do try and leave a comment if I've stopped by. I'm limiting my time on FB which is helping because it can be such a time waster, if you are like me and easily distracted.

  17. Also, thanks for linking up for our Worth Casing blog of the month for June. Our latest winner has just been announced and our July linkup is now open.


Thank you so much for reading whatever babbling has been written here!! Please feel free to leave a comment and I promise I do reply, usually by telepathy!!