
Tuesday 8 April 2014

Shameless Promotion of #TIK

I have exactly 20 minutes before operation school pick up commences.  Clearly #ibot was not going to happen today, well not how I had planned anyway!!  Thanks end of daylight savings and kids who get up at 6am which used to be 7am so it is not their fault!!

I am just stopping by to remind or let you know that Things I Know (#tik) will be happening here every Friday!!  I want to know what you know.  Feel free to link up here whatever you know.  Too easy!!  6am every Friday morning the magic happens!!

I am going to spend tonight reading and commenting as I have been a massive slacker lately!!  There just is not enough hours in the day or days in the week sometimes!!  If you saw yesterdays post about the best laid plans well I have rescheduled my blogging time to this Sunday.  Fingers crossed!!

Song of the week is this one chosen by the 3 year old.  He loves the marching song!!

Linking up with Essentially Jess for #ibot!!


  1. It happens like that sometimes - don't be too hard on yourself. I planned to blog today but that didn't happen either !! I will be linking up this week but probably not the following two Fridays as we are on leave and, for the 4 days we aren't in Melbourne, we are going to be head down butt up at home trying to get everything (or at least a whole bunch of stuff) that needs to be done, done and rid ourselves of the packing boxes that are still waiting to be unpacked :(
    Have the best week you can !
    Me xox

  2. Good luck hosting the link up Ann - I hope the kids return to waking at 7am for you soon :)

  3. Woken up at 6:00am - who's a spoilt girl then?

  4. Great choice of song! I've never participated in Things I know before and perhaps I should! I might sit back and read this week though to see how it's done :)

  5. Like Renee I might check out how it work however I like the sound of things I know. I will be back. Really great song !! x

  6. Yay fot #TIK !!! My kids got up ridiculously early this morning. I may want to stab them with blunt instruments...I wouldn't of course but I may want to. Hope to be joining you again on Friday.

    Leaving some fairy wishes and butterfly kisses from #teamIBOT

  7. Another reason why daylight saving is bad. I'm adding that to my list.

  8. How funny I was just in my girl's room watching her dance around the room to this song - CLASSIC!

  9. I'll be here for #TIK. Once I figure out what I actually know...

  10. Oh I wasn't sure where TIK was, so thanks for this! Not that I join in anywhere near as much as I like, but I can always try!!!

  11. I love this song too, it was one I turned up loud when it came on in the car xx
    I am still not coping with the early mornings, sigh......


Thank you so much for reading whatever babbling has been written here!! Please feel free to leave a comment and I promise I do reply, usually by telepathy!!