
Wednesday 9 April 2014

Forever Young

The prompt this week over at The Lounge is special words.

I could not go past this song written by the amazing Bob Dylan (although I was sure it was an old Irish song)!!  I heard it a while back when the cover by Audra Mae was used in Sons Of Anarchy (Kurt Sutter finds the best songs to use to tell some of the stories!!) and remembered why I loved it so much.

I even brought the book which is such a beautiful one to pass down to the kids.

Linking up a triple whammy this week with My Little Drummer Boys for a musical Wordless Wednesday, Robomum who is hosting The Lounge this week and Rhianna from A Parenting Life for Thankful Thursday.


  1. I had a teacher that would play the guitar and sing songs like Forever Young while we worked in the afternoon.

  2. I've never heard that song! Just beautiful.

  3. Nice to have books to pass down to kids, make sure you write a nice note in there. Love the Forever Young song of them down the streets on skateboards!

  4. I love this song. My boys keep me young. Thanks for linking up Ann.

  5. What a wonderful song. I have not heard it or know of the book. Thanks for putting me in the loop xx

  6. Bob is just so soothing. Lovely song

  7. It really does sound like an old Irish song, or a country song. I really like it!

  8. I'd not heard that - I thought I knew all Dylan...nice choice.

  9. Sometimes I wish I was Forever Young (like when I finally realised that I could actually run/plod to the end of a 10km race) but then I think I would only like to be Forever Young if I knew then what I know now - oh, how differently I would do things !!!
    Have the best week !

  10. I love them both. Thank you.
    You've inspired a thought. I'm going to find a song that appeals to my year 9s and show them several versions - how different emphasis and tone can make different meanings.
    You're a legend! Cheers for linking!

  11. What a beautiful song, I had not heard it before, the only Forever Young song I know has a techno beat! It is one of my favourite runnings. Thanks for joining in lovely


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