
Tuesday 13 November 2012

Wordless Wednesday- The wildlife of Fiji

a myna bird hanging out on our foot bath.

looks funny flicking on my camera between the 2 photos!!

a goat


yes that is a sea snake.

the only really cool thing I saw- the gecko!!
I was so excited at the thought of seeing some awesome wildlife in Fiji, sadly the cool stuff heard we were coming and hid!!  Seriously!!  Not an exotic bird or turtle in sight!!  Apparently turtles had been spotted on every snorkeling trip except the one the HOTH went on!! 

Luckily I saw the sea snake in the morning of the last full day we were there so we spent the afternoon in the pool.  I have never moved so fast in my life when that slithered behind me!!

The geckos were everywhere and pretty cool.

Next week in my trip down Fiji lane is some picturesque scenes from the island.

Linking up with My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday!!


  1. I think i would have spent the rest of the time in the pool also. :) great shots!

  2. Thats a spiky looking otopus, and I wouldn't be going anywhere near the sea with snakes in it. It camouflages well doesn't it, sneaky snake.

    1. We watched it bury itself into the sand. Sneaky is right!!

  3. Down Figi Lane - I love your photos . Id run fast if I saw a sea snake too.

    Thanks for linking up .
    Trish - My Little Drummer Boys

    1. Thanks Trish, I honestly have never moved so fast!!

  4. Funny story about a goat...When I was pregnant DP and I were going for a drive and I was staring out the window while he was talking about something boring obviously. He must have asked me a question because next minute he was saying 'did you hear me?'. My response 'Oh sorry I was distracted by the goats'. Now whenever we are driving and we see a goat he says of look goat, in a completely sarcastic tone.

  5. Replies
    1. Thats the polite way to say what I said!!

  6. That sea snake gives me the creeps!

  7. Ooooo that snake scares me! Even thought it's just a photo!! :)

    1. I flick past these in the album!! The kids like looking at it!!

  8. eeek! you know my hate for scary animals and insects.

    1. I am not a fan of any of those things either!!

  9. Looking forward to more of your trip pics!

  10. Looks like a fun trip even with the wildlife

    1. It was a fun trip despite the wildlife!!


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