
Monday 12 November 2012

Readers choice- cleaning vomit out of the carpet

Before having the kids I had a job I really liked.  I was a care worker or an underpaid cleaner/ untrained nurse.  I could write for hours about the state of aged/disability services in Australia.  The system stinks and never gets the funding or support it needs.  I am glad I am not working in the system anymore as it has gone to the dogs.

 Back to the story, I loved it.  It could be bloody hard work and some days mentally draining but it was a great job.  Part of my job was cleaning, basic stuff like bathrooms, vacuuming, mopping, washing, bedmaking and sometimes grocery shopping.  I also did personal care like showering. 

Over the five years I had the job I used just about every cleaning product available so I am more than qualified to give advice!!  It boils down to this-
  • Do not use cheap cleaning products.  They do not work and you waste money.  Plus they can eat or discolour your furniture or surface.  And they stink.  I only use nice smelling stuff!!
  • Except bleach and disinfectant.  I have no problem with these they work fine and are sometimes less than half the price of brand names.
  • Follow the directions of how to use. 
  • I try to go with the more natural products out there but they are expensive.
  • Use the right product for the right area. 
So how to clean vomit stains-

I googled a bit and most suggest putting bicarb or talc over the area to dry it out.  I prefer bicarb!!  Get a good enzyme cleaner and follow directions.  If its a good one it should do the job.  I have been using one for pets on my carpet and it seems to do the job fine.  You can also make a paste out of washing powder or nappy soaker but try not to make the carpet too damp.

If that does not work I suggest getting your carpets cleaned either professionally or hiring a machine.  We are going to hire a machine in about 3 weeks time to clean our carpets.  We are getting turf this  weekend which will be awesome and should put an end to dirt in the house!!  Even with shoes on the dirt has been carried around everywhere so once the dust has settled so to speak we are going to hire a machine just to freshen up the carpet.

There you have it!!  If anyone has any other fool proof suggestions or more natural cleaning ideas feel free to let me know!!


  1. Thanks for this! Ive tried it all the carpets now 8 years old in the kids bedrooms so 'Rug Doctor' it is!!

  2. if you could only have three cleaning products what would they be?

  3. Interesting topic Ann! I will keep this in mind if one of the kids ever vomits on the carpet, touch wood it hasn't happened yet!

    1. I have only cleanded dog vomit out of carpet or kids poo!!

  4. Your job definitely gave you experience that you can use in the area of mothering, then!


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