
Wednesday 25 March 2015

Wordless Wednesday- Happy birthday to me, Song of the day #18

This is one of my fave pics!!

I am wishing myself a Happy Birthday today.  If you are as old as you feel that would make me about 102!!

The reason my birthday is so exciting in this house is because it is the day before year 1 kid's!!

6 years ago little did I realise that my 30th birthday would be my last day of freedom before this very cute cherub arrived in a hurry 5 weeks early!!  

Linking up with My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday.


  1. Gorgeous pics!
    Happy birthday :)
    Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit

  2. What a birthday surprise. I bet you can hardly believe it's been six years.

    Happy Birthday. Hoping you have a wonderful day.

  3. That tender, delicious photos!

  4. Gorgeous photos! How lovely to almost share a birthday with your child! Happy Birthday!

  5. Happy Birthday Ann - I hope I haven't missed it! What a wonderful present - I gave birth just 4 days before my 31st Birthday, it was the best early present ever!

  6. Oh, Anne! So beautiful! My boys were 5 weeks early too! Happy birthday to your precious one and you. Now, there's s very rare and special bond!

  7. Gorgeous!!! And happy birthday!!! To both of you!

  8. Happy Birthday, Great Pics...babies sure have their own special days picked out! Glad everything went well xxx

  9. Happy Birthday. Hope it's a good one for you.


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