
Tuesday 3 March 2015

Star Trek, cats and goats- a few funnies!!

There are a few more funny memes here!!

I love this funny that House of many Minions shared on facebook!!  I have said at least 10, some on a daily basis!


The prompt from The Lounge this week is "favourite memes", so here are some of mine!!

Linking up with this weeks Lounge host Robo Schmobo and also with Essentially Jess for #IBOT.


  1. Spock <3 ! I do love a good funny :)

  2. Star Trekking!! What a blast from the past! loved that!

  3. What is it with boys and no pants? My mother, who only had girls, used to ring and let me know she was coming so I could get the boys' nether regions in a respectable state.

  4. I had to check out your post today - I love Star Trek and cats! RIP Spock :-(

  5. Ha ha love the goat one and all the cat ones are so relevant to me now! x

  6. 'Bees are not pets' fairly sure I've had THAT conversation :-)

  7. A friend of mine shared on FB the other day that her son cried when she told him he couldn't be a transformer when he grows up! That list made me think of her :)

  8. I love these memes - very funny. I have to say that Star Trekkin song brought back lots of memories of my school days - love it!

  9. Haha! Love the row row your goat. Thanks for the laughs.

  10. Very funny! Have ever googled your own name with 'meme' after it?

    Do it... good fun!

  11. Not much of a cat person so I don't get the memes as much as others do. I do love me a good cat clip on youtube though. So funny! As for the 20 things sign, YES! What is it with kids and their pants being down? Mine are known for it! That little song reminds me of year 7. We had a teacher that looked like something out of Star Trek and one kid thought it would be funny to sing that during Science. Every period. Ahh the memories! Cheers for linking up with The Lounge. X

  12. I love the 20 things before I had boys... classic.

  13. Hahaha - I needed a Wine-bulance last night after dinner with the mother in law. These meme's came in perfect timing for a laugh today!

  14. Hahaha - I needed a Wine-bulance last night after dinner with the mother in law. These meme's came in perfect timing for a laugh today!


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