
Tuesday 17 February 2015

Things I Know #48- The Tuesday edition

Clearly it is not Friday today, I do know this!!  So do not freak out if you are seeing this before Friday!!

After a quick think about my week this week I came to the conclusion that if I wanted #tik to be as promised up on Friday morning at 6am I should do it now in the spare 2 minutes available!!

Now I know you will probably say why not schedule it for Friday??  Well technology has not been my friend lately and I would be more than likely to schedule it for 2016 or something like that!!

In fact after last Friday's dramas of an updating computer I am not risking any more dramas!!

The computer actually decided to update itself again on Saturday afternoon when I had the chance to have a sneaky 5 minutes of quiet time.  It really hates me!!

We are well and truly back in the swing of the whole real life thing.  The holidays are a distant memory!!

In the next couple of weeks life will get even busier,  To the point on one day we will have to be in two places at the same time.  I am considering buying a helicopter to get us from point A to point B in the shortest possible time!!

In other news I had a very embarrassing but funny incident a couple of weeks ago.  It was a rainy Thursday morning.  One of those days where we were running a little late, we walked out the front door to walk to the bus stop and the bus drove straight past.  Note to self- on rainy days the bus runs early as no one gets on it!!  Anyway I was going to have to drive to preschool as it was drizzling so we all piled into the car and I was going to drop year 1 kid off after the preschool run, no biggie.  After the preschool drop off I headed to school.  As I headed down past the first turn off to the school on my way to the second turn off a highway patrol car saw me and put his lights on.  I turned into the drop off road and pulled over and so did the police car.  I turned the engine off and then realised that I had had my high beams on.  To top it off I also realised my licence was in my wallet which was in the pram in the back yard.  I was shitting bricks I won't lie.  I am very grateful to the policeman as after he subjected me to a breath test and a wait while he checked all my details he let me off because I have an exemplary driving record (yes I am that good!!).  I swore never to drive with my high beams on and to always have my licence on me at all times and that was the end of that.  Clearly he understood what life with kids is like and that lets face it shit happens.  Year 1 kid is still carrying out about how I was arrested because my car wasn't registered.  For the record it is registered in the HOTH's name not mine and I was not arrested, I do not know where this kid gets his over exaggerations from!!  Probably half the school drove past while I was sitting there being breath tested etc.  We then had to wait until the police car left so I could drive to the top of the street and stop in a no stopping zone to drop off the over exaggerator!!  Luckily one of his mates walked past and he got out and walked with him and his mum, happily telling the story of my arrest!!

Lastly, and no I have not lost my mind, I am signing up to do The Colour Run.  Aliens have not invaded my body and stolen my brain!!  I am going to do a 5k run/walk/crawl/shuffle/roll!!  Yes I know this is something I never thought would do let alone look forward to but there we have it!!

Song of the week is not unanimous.  I was told to turn off the "girl music" in the car yesterday to which I responded like the worlds biggest mum by saying when you get a car you can pick the music!!

Linking up for #IBOT with Essentially Jess


  1. I'm knackered just reading that, it's back to chaos here too, minus the incident with the 5 0! I've signed up to walk 50km in a week, that's a lot for me xx

  2. Oh dear, hope you aren't now labelled as the mum that drinks before school ;)

  3. Sounds like you've had a rough run with technology! Good luck with the run:) #TeamIBOT

  4. Sounds like you've had a rough run with technology! Good luck with the run:) #TeamIBOT

  5. Hopefully your son didn't have "show and tell" that morning because I can guess what his topic would have been!

  6. I'm doing the colour run too, one in May at night time. Seriously need to give myself a reason to get off the computer and my arse and get moving!

    And that sucks about the cop, how annoying! Glad you didn't get fined or anything though!

  7. Don't get me started on technology. I have an over exaggerator too. He's relentless and at 25 years old he hasn't stopped. He's always coming up with wild tales of things I've never done! Watch out, it gets worse!

  8. As you may or may not know, I am a timelord and often don't follow the arbitrary rules of time like the rest of the people (first of the month fiction usually goes up anytime that suits me, and sits for as long as I like) post early, it takes a load off...and good luck with what sounds like a stressful few weeks (I spent most of last year needing to be in 2 places at once - this year is much easier thankfully!)

    1. And I'm doing the night color run too - will look for you on the dance floor!

  9. Good on you for signing up for the colour run. I should stop procrastinating and do some of the things I have been putting off.
    I seriously can't believe he breath tested you at that time of the morning in front of a school. What a wanker.

  10. Yay for the Colour Run nomination, it should be fun and I will look forward to hearing all about it! Haha bloody policeman doing his job, at least he was understanding about it all. I have been pulled over for a RBT and the kids sat silently in the back with big staring eyes...I swear they thought I would be carted off to prison right then and there! Obviously had not been drinking but they did like to announce our little stop to the world at the top of their voices!! Beth.


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