
Monday 12 January 2015

Maxine the maxidress

Way back in September I wrote this post Five in Five and in it I spoke of my love of maxi dresses.  It turns out not everyone shares my love of the maxi and quite frankly I thought the non maxi lovers are all nuts and I am setting out to change the minds of those who disagree!!

Meet Maxine the Maxi!!

Initially after the comments on the Five in Five I had the idea to find a one size fits most dress and send it off on it's merry way but then I totally forgot about this brilliant idea until one random afternoon Maxine appeared on my local buy swap and sell site!!  Turns out the lady selling her was a school mum so the very next day I had Maxine in my hot little hands!!

Maxine has already been and visited Sarah from People don't eat enough fudge in the UK.  I will share her amazing Maxine experience post tomorrow.

Now I am sending Maxine off around Australia.  First up she is heading to another Sarah!!  Sarah from Creating Contentment she is then going to visit (hopefully if they agree) AliciaEmLeandaThe ZillaRae and Ness as they were maxi dissers!!  I haven't asked them and I am putting them on the spot!!  I will be in contact ladies!!

If you would like a visit from Maxine feel free to shoot me an email and she can come over and visit!!  Like I said I am hoping to change a few minds on this subject!!

I have to admit I would not have purchased Maxine for myself.  I am not a massive fan of how the straps are and she is a tad too long for me but after wearing her for a day I kind of like her!!  As we were going out for a whole day I wore a black singlet under her so i could wear a comfy bra!!  I thought being polyester she may have been a little too hot but she wasn't and I was very comfortable walking around in 30 degree heat.

Linking up with My Home Truths for I Must Confess who funnily enough has the prompt today of bargains and Maxine was a bargain!!  Also linking up with One Mother Hen for #openslather.


  1. I do like maxi dresses but must admit I don't have any! This is because I am only a smidge over 5ft and any maxi dresses I see would be far too long on me! Fashion people need to think of us vertically challenged people - so annoying! ;-)

    1. I have the exact same problem. I would love a maxi dress but they are all way too long!

  2. I love a maxi dress they are just too comfortable in the summer #openslather

  3. Maxine is gorgeous! I actually had a dream about a maxi dress last night. Oh how I wish I could find one that fitted as well as the one in my dream lol! Alas, I am short and maxi dresses are just too long most of the time. Although if they have a lot of room, I find buying the next size down works well because it's a bit more fitted but not enough that you can see all of my lumps and bumps.

  4. Ha ha - that's a great idea! I'll look forward to seeing all of Maxine's adventures.

    Can't say that I've ever worn a maxi dress. I know people who swear by them but I can't help but think they'd be hot with all that skin coverage. I'm more an inappropriately-short-for-an-old-lady denim skirt wearer in summer.

  5. I wish I'd been able to stroll along the beach wearing Maxine, it's the perfect setting for her! You won me over Ann, I definitely won't rule out the Maxi from now on. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to try something I would probably never have thought of wearing before x

  6. Dude, I would so be up for having a wear of Maxi! I bought my first Maxi dress just before Christmas and I love it! Never been a fan before but now I can see why people are! And if Hugzilla is in she can send it to me afterwards, she's not too far from my place!

  7. I have just shat my pants because I am SOOOO excited to get a visit just to prove how BAD I look in a Maxi - yes yes yes - pick me. Laughing so hard right now after a shitty shitty day. Love your work so much Ann. THANKS xxxx (let's FB PM to get my address)

  8. I love maxi dresses, although it's a pity they cover up one of my best bits, my legs ... although they are a godsend for when I'm lazy and haven't shaved, LOL!

  9. I'm with Min - I would love a maxi but I'm too short to wear them. I look forward to watching Maxine as she travels around the countryside!

  10. I can't wait to get Maxine! What a great idea Ann. I am shorter than the average bear, so I may have to put some strategic knots in at the sides so she doesn't drag on the floor! I'd hate to embarrass myself by tripping over all the time! I will also have to wear a decent pair of shoulder boulder holders because I'd likely trip over them too :D

  11. Ann, how clever are you!!! What a great way to see the same style in different ways. I love maxis, and would even more if I was a foot taller lol
    Can't wait to follow Maxi's adventures x

  12. I cannot believe people who don't like maxi dresses actually exist!!! They are so awesomely comfortable, hide unforgiving Christmas over-indulgence and can be breezy on hot summer days!! What is not to love!!!

  13. I need to embrace the Maxi. Loving the this idea so much!

  14. Such a cool fun and exciting Idea. I am a short ass and can only do certain type of maxi. you look great ! x

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Thank you so much for reading whatever babbling has been written here!! Please feel free to leave a comment and I promise I do reply, usually by telepathy!!