
Tuesday 16 December 2014

Distractions to make you smile

Love this pic my friend tagged me in!!

I have no words to what has happened over the last 24 hours.  I think it is one of those things that will be mentally processed over the next few days.  My thoughts are with all those affected.

I was so pleased to see #IBOT was going to go ahead today.  I needed a distraction from all that has happened, not just in Sydney but from things which happened closer to home too, so I have these little videos for you.  I think that there is something for everyone.  I hope they help put a smile on your face and distract from reality which is pretty damn grim sometimes.

Waffles the cat looks remarkably like our first cat who passed away a couple of years ago.  Funnily enough our cat could have been the star of her own video doing exactly the same as Waffles!!  The lullaby singer is amazing. Denver is so cute and those lights are so clever.

Linking up with Essentially Jess for #IBOT.  Peace xx


  1. My fingers are crossed that this madness ends well today. I will have to check back later to watch your vids. X

  2. Thanks for the happy start to my day! We need to lighten up a little today.

  3. Have the best day - I'll be checking these videos out later when I get a chance.

  4. I want a pet sandal. It would add street cred, I think :)

  5. Thank you for this. It's been a crappy, horrible day and Denver made me smile.

  6. One of my cats does exactly the same thing. I usually find baubles hidden under furniture for months after Christmas. A pet sandal would be a lot easier to look after.

  7. I saw that Christmas lights video on FB, how clever! I'd love to live in a neighbourhood that did that. I think we could all use some distraction at the moment after the devastating end in Sydney this morning. There are just no words for those poor hostages, and the families of the 2 who died. :( -Aroha (for #teamIBOT)

  8. A pet sandal! LOL. I love videos of animals. Denver is so cute. He has such a guilty look on his face. x

  9. You have no idea how much I need this today. Just found out a friend wasn't actually one after all. Deems the breaks. xx

  10. It's been a crazy week, that's for sure. My newsfeed was filled with updates and I just wanted to read something else, but at the same time I couldn't look away.


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