
Sunday 2 November 2014

Sandy Sunshine Slather

Linking up with Tegan and Alicia

My Rocky Road recipe, I plan on using the little patty cases to make smaller servings and also to make it poo shaped because I am all class and have lived with boys for way too long and I find toilet humour amusing!!  I will be sure to let on my plan went!!


  1. When we went to the beach I only sat on a towel in the shade and still managed to get sand in all of the places!
    Good luck with your poo creations!

    Thanks for linking up with Sunshine Sunday x

  2. You could substitute Marella Jubes for the raspberries in your rocky road. I use them all the time. Because I make rocky road all the time. Because I keep eating it.

  3. Ooh rocky road - I could definitely do with some right now.
    I HATE sand - like really really and truly HATE sand - I think that's one of the reasons K hardly ever went to the beach - well that and the fact that a gazillion people would leave their townships on the weekend and descend on the beach so there was barely any space to sit !!
    Have a wonderful week and YAY for some time away with your bestest friend - ENJOY !!!
    Me xox

  4. I love the hand written blog post, great idea. Beach holidays are the best, always nice to have something to look forward to as well. I swear my youngest boy brings half the sandpit home with him in his shoes. How it ends up in my bed is one of the world's greatest mysteries! Grrrr.

    1. My daughter brings home sand from the sandpit at kindy. It doesn't matter how much I shake her shoes, sand keeps falling out!

  5. I'm not a fan of rocky road. I eat most of the stuff individually though, just for some reason I can't get my head around eating it all mushed up together. That and I think I ate one that had those glazed cherries in it once and it ruined it for me.

    I wish I had've been on the ball for the sunday link up because god knows I've got a million posts and pictures with sand in them!

  6. Ha! Rocky road horse poo, that is priceless.

  7. Nice combo in here! Totally love rocky road and seeing your handwriting. Seeing a person's handwriting can reveal so much about them. (Exactly what I have no idea. I am not a professional!)


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