
Friday 10 October 2014

Things I Know #28- A quickie!!

Just a quick #tik this week!!

I know

  • I am looking forward to this weekend, can't say too much although it may include some long awaited family photos being taken!!  Although I will be mighty cranky if I can't get my hands on a plain white top and an eyebrow wax appointment!! 
  • I am looking forward to not doing too much at all after last weekends mammoth efforts.  That being said I am in the process of doing a mega chuck out ready for Mondays council rubbish pick up!!
  • Crawling babies are a menace.  Quiet crawling babies are up to no good, ALWAYS!!
  • Daylight savings is good yet bad.  I wish Friday and Saturday we had the extra hour and the other days not!!
  • I am fully braced for the next few weeks before the end of term.  Crazy busy and full on, I am  all over it though.  Sort of!!  
  • Thanks for all the comments on the tattoo post from yesterday.  I wrote it a little too quickly and forgot to add some things- I have no problem with temporary tattoo sticker things, the boys love them.  I think my main problem is the age group it is being targeted at.

Song of the week is a very cool collaboration made by the BBC.  I love the old version of this song and I am loving the new too!!


  1. Crawling babies are a menace, AND fast! It's amazing how quickly they move when you turn your back for a second! (I love JackJack in the Incredibles, that's exactly what it's like!) Also, you might also like "It don't mean a thing if it ain't got...Pharrell". He's very talented....

  2. Running babies are even more of a menace!
    I wish our council collection was on soon - we have a ton of rubbish lying in our driveway now and it's looking like we'll be needing a Skip in the meantime.
    Have a great weekend (not getting a tattoo are you?! LOL!).

  3. Sending some extra hours your way !!!! Wishing you a wonderful weekend and hope you find that white top and get the wax you need.
    We are off to the 7s rugby tomorrow - I had to dash out and get my legs waxed - it's bad enough that they are lily white without being hairy as well as we grace CBus Stadium !!!
    Have a great day !
    Me xox

  4. I've given up on eyebrow waxing and just grown my fringe! Have a great weekend x

  5. Quiet babies are always being naughty!! This just reminded me I really need to fix my eyebrows.

  6. Oh photos! How exciting. :) Hope you share a few!

  7. Quiet crawling babies can never be trusted. I have a classic photo of my youngest covered with grease after crawling off and playing with his dad's bicycle. He was pretty quiet then.


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