
Tuesday 21 October 2014

Mystery Event

Mystery Event

Vintage black dress
$23 -

Vince Camuto black lace shoes

Bracelet jewelry

Pewter earrings

Round scarve

The prompt for the LBD style challenge this week is Mystery Event.  

I don't do mystery very well.  If someone said to me that I was going to a mystery event I would pump them for details.  I barely cope with Christmas, birthdays and Mothers Day as I am usually busting to know what I am getting.  A friend of mine on facebook was surprised with an overseas trip and didn't know where she was going until she got to the airport.  I would be beside myself and would not cope for a second if that was me!!  Fyi she was taken to The Cook Islands, lucky thing!!

However I can keep a secret like nobodies business!!  I am the master of not only buying the perfect gift but not letting on what it is!!  Which kind of contradicts myself, maybe even making me a hypocrite which is the  "Ï Must Confess" topic this week!! 

I really like playing along with the LBD challenge.  I like using polyvore (although I still haven't worked out how to use my own images!!).  I like how you pick something and don't get a price or brand until you click on whatever it is.  All the things I have picked out this week are really cheap except the shoes they were about $400 and that divine bracelet which is roughly $210,000!!  I am adding it to my Chrissy wishlist however I am guessing it will remain a dream!!

In other news I have a cold.  I am totally blaming Mother Nature for the bizarre weather we have had the last few weeks.  Stinking hot one day and then cyclonic and freezing the next.  In case you missed the memo MN it is spring, the weather should be warmish during the day and nice and cool at night.  

Lastly I did not have a song of the week last week.  Which is odd as there are so many awesome songs on the radio lately.   Nathaniel is a winner, we all bop along to this one!!  Hoobastank are included as yesterday I heard them on the "classic rock"radio station, nice work wsfm now I feel a gazillion years old!!

The excitement level in our house is pretty high with the imminent release of the new Accadacca album.  The first song from the album has been given the tick of approval!!

Linking up with One Mother Hen for #openslatherMy Home Truths for i Must ConfessMystery Case for the lbd style challenge and last but not least Essentially Jess for #ibot!!

Oh and I have no idea why the text size is all over the shop today and I am not feeling like fixing it and potentially deleting a whole post or worse the whole blog!!


  1. Impressed! I think you are doing really well with Polyvore and I love your LBD Mystery Event style. I think Kimba Likes might have a post on using your images on Polyvore.

  2. Love the Adornia bracelet, so pretty! Hope your cold soon clears up and your weather sorts itself out! x

  3. Hope you're feeling better soon. It's horrible being sick when you're the mother. Time does not stop for you to get well.

  4. Ahhh... so is polyvore how everyone does those lovely outfit pages? Yours is a gorgeous selection btw. Your talk about surprises made me laugh, because I'm such a child, I love surprises I even asked my husband if could organise a surprise wedding for me, but I'm terrible at not giving away surprises.
    I hope you get better soon. This season has been the worst x

  5. I still haven't been able to give Polyvore a go, mind you I am probably the least fashionable person in the world at the moment. I am terrible with suspense and surprise as well. I just want to know it all NOW. If not sooner!

    Hope you are feeling better today lovely.

    Leaving some fairy wishes and butterfly kisses from #teamIBOT

  6. I love your styling, esp those leaf earrings.
    I'm not super great at surprises either, the thought of things like surprise visitors makes me a little ill! Or outings where you have no idea where you are going. I like to plan and be prepared :)

  7. Hope you feel better soon Ann. I with you I don't do surprises very well. I love the jewellery you have picked out!

  8. Text size might be because you cut and paste text from a word/text document! Love your $50 challenge AND I saw those photos of you and your gorgeous family on Kylie's page - what a gorgeous wee family you are! Get better soon, sucks being sick makes life WAY harder than it already is. xx

  9. We always come down with something with the change in the weather! Love that Hooberstank vid. did not accadacca had a new song. Hope you're feeling better soon xx

  10. Well done with polyvore! I've had a bit of a play but not enough to be inspired to do anything with it. I do love your outfit though. Especially the shoes.

  11. I have a cold too and it's kicking my arse. I also hate surprises..I need to know what is going on, where we are going and who we are doing it with.

  12. Very nice selection there Ann! I'm with you on the cold front - absolutely hating how I feel right now. It sucks!


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