
Tuesday 30 September 2014

Even more positive motivationals!!

I am all about positivity lately.  It is so easy to only see the negative things in life and I can be guilty of this so I am making a conscious effort not too.

I am determined this week to make more time for blogging.  Now the craziness of last week is behind me I can see the light again.

Linking up with Essentially Jess for #ibot.

Linking up with My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday.


  1. YAY - can't wait to read your posts - I love hearing what you and your family have been up to !!!!
    Love the positivity of these snap shots - we can all do with more of them in our lives.
    Have a fantastic week !
    Me xox

  2. I love the baby one. Actually I love all those quotes. Thanks for the encouragement and inspiration. :)

  3. Some great quotes here. I get a lot out of positive affirmations, but I also believe in what I call 'yinyang' affirmations - they acknowledge and accept the situation (even when it isn't so great) and focus on a positive future - sort of a reality dose with a hopeful kicker.

  4. I love the positive quotes you've chosen. We can all do with those reminders every now and again.

  5. Thanks for sharing. I needed some of those today!

  6. Hope the positivity sticks around wonderful lady. I know it's hard when I'm in the thick of it all the time, thanks for the inspiration, great song too :)

  7. I love all of these - thank you so much for sharing them! I have been blessed with some people in my life who have taught me lessons and others who have given me beautiful memories. I think I'm doubly blessed because I've had more of the second than I've had of the first :)


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