
Tuesday 30 September 2014

Even more positive motivationals!!

I am all about positivity lately.  It is so easy to only see the negative things in life and I can be guilty of this so I am making a conscious effort not too.

I am determined this week to make more time for blogging.  Now the craziness of last week is behind me I can see the light again.

Linking up with Essentially Jess for #ibot.

Linking up with My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Things I Know #26- The extended version

$3 bargain from The Reject Shop

Welcome to this weeks extended Things I Know #tik.  I came to the conclusion yesterday that already this is one of those weeks and if I do not know anything now, while I have precisely 10 minutes of peace and quiet, I may actually not have a chance to be anywhere near the computer for the next 7 days.

These quotes are just what I needed to see.  They quite literally jumped out at me this morning.  Topped off with some I saw last week.  I know I am a big fan!!

Usually #tik is up on a Friday, feel free to pop by in the next week and a bit and link up anything you know.

I am linking up with Essentially Jess for #ibot because it is Tuesday!!  Also linking up with My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday.

Friday 19 September 2014

Things I Know #25- Liebster from Stephs Joy

This weeks liebster comes from the lovely Stephs Joy.


The Liebster Award Rules are as follows:
  • Thank the blogger who gave it to you including a link back to their website.
  • Answer the eleven questions they ask you.
  • Nominate eleven bloggers with less than 500 followers.
  • Ask those eleven bloggers eleven questions.
  • Let those bloggers know that they have been nominated so they can continue the chain.
My 11 questions from Steph are
  1. You have 30 minutes all to yourself, what do you do?  
  2. I usually faff around on the computer!!  Half an hour would be divine!!
  3. What do you prefer – chocolate tart or cheesecake?
  4. Chocolate tart!! Chocolate wins hands down!!
  5. What’s the best advice that you’ve been given?
  6. Oooh I am not sure there.  Might have to come back to this one in another post!!
  7. How many siblings do you have?
  8. 3 sisters!!  
  9. Your favourite thing to do on a date with a loved one?
  10. Go out to dinner. I can't wait to do other things like go to the movies!!  One week to go until we get a date night!!
  11. Do you have a brown thumb or a green thumb?
  12. More brown than green!! I would love to have a green thumb.  We are still deciding how to finish our yard off and  when we do I can't wait to get some pretties!!  In my defence though the kids and dogs have trashed our efforts in the past!!
  13. What’s something nice that someone else has done for you?
  14. Sent me some #zennotes, I get some awesome comments on this little blog not just this week but all the time!! Friends who make me smile by tagging me in funny stuff on facey and instagram.  Last week one of the school mums offered to drive kindy kid home after a party so I could take the other 2 home and put one to bed.  That was a really nice gesture.
  15. Describe your staple outfit.
  16. Winter is trackies or jeans.  Summer is shorts and tops.  I am going to make more of an effort in summer this year!!  In saying that yesterday I wore some long shorts and a nice ($5 Kmart bargain) long sleeve top.  I ended up with a shocking sore side because I had to carry a poor sick bub around for the majority of the day and the seam in my top rubbed like a mofo on my side!!
  17. Your dinner last night was?….
  18. It should have been something yummy from our local restaurant but instead it was sausage wraps!!  Thanks to me spending the majority of the week a bit under the weather and then having a sick bub I decided not to go to dinner.
  19. What’s your quirky habit?
  20. Hmm not sure I have a real quirky one.  Maybe the fact I have to have my morning coffee out of the same mug everyday or it is not a good day!!
  21. What reminds you of your childhood?
  22. '' Music.  Like this weeks Song of the Week!!  

    Awesome questions!!  Thanks Steph!!

    n other #tik we are heading off for the weekend YAY!!  Meaning I will be spending the whole of Friday packing for one night.  We may need to hire a trailer for the amount of crap needed for one night!!

    I am also playing a little game called spot the typo in my posts lately.  I am sure there will be one in this one!!  They usually show themselves when I hit publish!!

    Wednesday 17 September 2014

    Wordless Wednesday- Random stuff which has made me smile

    An oldie but a goodie!!


    A page from a new kids book we were given.  It is all about the diplodocus.  Once we got to the poo page we could not go on!!  

    Best home reader we have read this year by far!!  Made me think of you Char!!

    Linking up my randoms with My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday

    Tuesday 16 September 2014

    #zennotes and Rainbow farting unicorns

    I was going to have a mega whine today.  Like how annoying life can be.  You know the little things which are minor but combine them altogether and it is one massive pee off.

    For example

    • Bonds stay up baby socks DO NOT STAY UP.  False advertising right there.  Maybe they do on a mannequin but not on any child.
    • People who drive really slow in the ultra fast lane.
    • Afternoon radio.  While I am at it morning radio.  Gee I would love a digital radio in my car.
    • My precious Bon Jovi cd in the car is scratched.
    • People who don't kiss and drop in the kiss and drop zone but kiss, hug, faff around, have a conversation, etc.  (not that we have a designated kiss and drop zone which I thought was mandatory at all schools??)   
    • Kids who will not let me walk into a shopping centre without having meltdowns.
    • Continually forgetting what it is I went into the bloody shops for.
    • Mother Nature not getting the memo that it is spring or that we have had enough rain.  
    • Keyboard warriors.  
    • Wasting a precious half hour of my life working out just what the heck Skylanders are and then having to break the news to a five year old that he will not be having any part of the bloody things because I am not buying a freaking xbox or playstation.  (I think I got the gist of them- a video game with toys that interact??!!)
    • The fact I have zero computer knowledge and cannot do simple things like plug an iphone in to it and transfer music from the lappy to the phone.  Nothing I plug into the computer registers on it at all and I don't have any idea how to make it.
    But then something special happened.  Thanks to the crazy day that is Monday I forgot to check the mail so it was such a beautiful surprise to check this morning and discover these gorgeous things.

    from the very lovely Lisa from Random Acts of Zen.  I just love these #zennotes.  I will be keeping one of them and giving away the rest, Which is the whole idea of them, although I could keep all of them!!

    Then I saw these pop up on my facey newsfeed and really like their inspirational messages.


    I am also loving getting tftd from Me.  This lovely lady has twice in the last few days made me spit my coffee out.  Firstly by using the word "fugly"which I believe is one of the most underused words ever and should be brought back into daily use asap.  Also by giving me the image of unicorns farting rainbows!!

     This right here is FUGLY!!  But oh so funny!!

     Turns out people all over the world love a rainbow farting unicorn!!

    This weekend we are going to the country to visit the most awesome of friends and while our trip has been cut short by a day it is still going to be epic and I cannot wait!!  There will be wine, food and laughs.  The perfect recipe for a great weekend!!

    Linking up with Essentially Jess for #ibot, The Lounge which is over at Robo Schmobo on Thursday and also Creating Contentment for #thankfulthursday because one post can say so much!!

    Monday 15 September 2014

    LBD Challenge- Red Carpet and a Happy Birthday

    Red Carpet

    Sergio Rossi ankle boots

    Salvatore Ferragamo clutch

    Diamond jewelry

    Antique jewelry

    Playing along again this week with  Mystery Case LBD challenge.

    The theme this week is Red Carpet.  

    Because I am such a fashionista I have gone with a really simple but expensive dress and blinged it up with some mega expensive accessories!!  

    I may wear this outfit at the premiere of the movie I am sure that will be made of my life.  It will be called "Snot and other catastrophes"!!

    I believe it is a very special persons birthday today  I was going to send a card but instead I got Eddie Vedder to sing Happy Birthday just for them!!

    Linking up with The Birthday Girl for #openslather and The Case for more fashion fun!!

    Friday 12 September 2014

    Things I Know #24- Liebster from Nourish Nation

    This weeks Liebster nomination came from Deb from Nourish Nation.


    The Liebster Blog Award is given to bloggers, by fellow bloggers. It’s a recognition of your blog and a way to discover new blogs.
    The Liebster Blog Award recognises bloggers with a growing audience and is a way to spread word of your amazing talent.
    To make sure that this great news travels, and travels fast, this is the path to take once you’ve received this nomination and award:
    1. Link back and recognise the blogger who nominated you
    2. Answer ten questions given by the nominator
    3. Nominate ten other bloggers for the award
    4. Create ten questions for nominees to answer
    5. Notify your nominees
    6. Get an award button and display it proudly.
    1. What nourishes you?
    Coffee!!  Ok I was told that is too cliche!!

    Really though the little things that me me smile nourish me.  Last weekend when we had some sunshine after weeks of rain and we spent the nicest afternoon together, just the five of us.  Chilling in the yard, early bbq dinner then a walk to feed the ducks.  Stuff like that makes me mega happy!!  Also next weekend we are heading off for a weekend away with the best of friends.  It will be chaos.  8 adults and 12 kids!!  It will be awesome and I have been on the countdown ever since we organised it!!  I will be very nourished after this (maybe slightly dusty too!!).
    2. Are you a morning or night person?
    I am a morning person if I have had a good nights sleep the night before!!  I love a quiet hour before the daily crazy begins.

    3. What sport would you love to do?
    More stand up paddle boarding in Fiji.  I really want to swim more this summer.

    4. Favourite TV series?
    Toss up between Sons Of Anarchy and The Shield for drama and I still love watching Sex and the City as a comedy.

    5. The perfect day for you is?
    See the answer to 1!!  We have the perfect day every now and again without me realising it.

    6. Gold or silver jewellery fan?
    Silver all the way!!
    7. Your favourite quote is…?

    Right this second it is gtftb (go the bleep to bed) and stfib (stay the bleep in bed)!!
    I have so many quotes I love, song lyrics too.  I seem to come back to this one a lot lately.

    8. What musical has taken your breath away?
    The Lion King.  Amazing.  Loved it.  Wish I had seen it this time around.  I loved Mary Poppins too.

    9. The most inspirational person in your eyes is…?

    I find so many people inspiring.  However Mother Teresa is one of those I would love to learn more about.

    10.What would you name a new pet dog?

    A quick pole of the family for this one as I have never named a dog.  Ours came with names!!  Tipsy and Jess.  Nothing more shameful than when your kids are pretending to be dogs while doing the groceries and saying stuff like Ï am Tipsy!!

    The HOTH has always wanted a tea cup chihuahua called Tiny.  The big boys said Sizzles (from Charlie and Lola if you don't have small kids!!) and Hash Brownie which is what they wanted to call their baby brother!!

    Thanks Deb for the award and the awesome questions that have come with it!!  I would like to nominate you for Five in Five over at Ms Mystery Case.

    In other things I know this week, I have been invaded by ants.  Ants which have some super power and are immune to ant sand and ant rid.  I shall be spending today ridding the house of these feral tiny things.

    Two songs of the week.  The first is one we have been cranking for a couple of weeks now.  The last is another shock discovery from the "classic rock" station.  What is the world coming to when Pearl Jam are considered old people music!!

    Tuesday 9 September 2014

    Five In Five

    Mystery Case

    1. How long have you been blogging and why did you start?

    I have been blogging for 2 years and 9 months. I started partly to do a challenge called  Simplify Your Life from Home Life Simplified.  I then discovered I really enjoyed blogging so much I forgot all about the challenge and just kept going.  Delighting people everywhere with my incredibly dodgy posts!!

    In all seriousness though this has been a topic in our house for a few days.  I blog because I enjoy it.  I blog because I found a hobby.  I love to write and read blogs.  I also love that through blogging I have had some amazing opportunities come my way.

    2. If your wardrobe could talk what would it say about you and tell us about your favourite or most worn item?

    My wardrobe screams mum and comfort.  I have some really nice clothes that never get worn because it is easier to throw on trackies and a jumper in winter or shorts and a top in summer.  I am fine with this.  I know one day I will get to wear nice clothes, maybe even trendy and fashionable clothes but for now while I spend my days with mushed up biscuit and snot as accessories I am happy to slob it out!!

    I have loads of maxi dresses which I love and wear heaps in summer.  Although my children have a knack of being able to somehow wrangle my dress and pull it up revealing my granny undies so I have to pick my times as to when to wear one!!

    3. What's your idea of the perfect date night?

    In 3 weeks we will have house guests who have been given babysitting duty one night and the HOTH and I are going to hit the town.  I am so stoked we will get to have an actual "date night"!!  We are going out for dinner to the local fancy restaurant that I am lucky enough to go to every few weeks with friends!!  

    We got to have dinner together every night when we were in Fiji.  A whole week of having our lovely babysitter turn up about 7pm was awesome!!  I think my idea of a perfect date night would be to do this all over again!!

    4. What's on your Worth Casing list?

    I am so boring that at the moment I am focused on getting a new dining room table with bench seats.  I cannot find one that is the size and price I want.  I am a woman on a mission!!

    As this is supposed to be fun I thought I would go through the google history and it seems lately there has been a lot of googling of hedges.

    Yep the fun truly never stops here!!

    5. If you had a theme song what would it be and why?

    I have a theme song for everyday of the week!!  Today I have two of them.  You guys know I love my music!!

    I really want to thank Ms Mystery Case for nominating me for the Five In Five,  I also want to thank Where the Wild Things Were for nominating me also!!

    Now I need to nominate my Five.

    Firstly I know some of the awesome bloggers I would have nominated have already been nominated!! I also know that I have a funny feeling some of the others who have been nominated will pick the same as me!!  The rules state that you can nominate yourself so feel free to pop on over and nominate your own blog!!  Not only is it a bit of fun but you could be in the running to win a seriously awesome prize!!

    So in no particular order I am nominating

    Rae from I Opened My Mouth and It Ran Away Without Me.

    Jody from Six Little Hearts

    The lovely Kaz and Ang from Melting Moments

    Mums Take Five

    Leanda from Write to Heal

    I totally reserve the right to add more if I find they have not been nominated!!

    Linkin up for #ibot with Essentially Jess

    Monday 8 September 2014

    Free Pass for a Spring Fling

    Spring Fling

    Boohoo black dress

    Strappy sandals

    Guess handbag
    $235 -

    Linking up my self explanatory "free pass"list with Kirsty from My Home Truths.  I can't imagine if you are a regular reader this list will be a surprise!!

    Linking up my LBD challenge "Spring Fling"outfit with Mystery Case.  I have a lot to learn with polyvore!!  I love this cute dress and would totally rock it on a date with Jon, Rob or Marky Mark!!

    Because it is Monday and I love some #openslather I am also linking up with One Mother Hen!!

    Friday 5 September 2014

    Thins I Know #23- Liebster from PEOPLE DON'T EAT ENOUGH FUDGE

    Way back in June Sarah from PEOPLE DON'T EAT ENOUGH FUDGE awarded me with a Liebster.  I am going to answer her questions for me today.  As I have had so many awesome people nominate me I have decided to play along with each one by answering all their questions each week and when I reach the last one I will nominate my 10 people and ask my questions.  Cheating a little but hey who cares!!

    1. Answer 10 questions given by the nominator.
    2. Nominate 5-10 blogs that each have less than 200 followers.
    3. Give 10 questions to your nominees.

    2)  What's your favourite cake?
    Chocolate mud cake.

    3)  Do you have a friend who you would hate if you didn't love them so much? 
    Nope don't think so!!

    4) When did you last make and arse of yourself and how? 
    I put my foot in it the other night funnily enough.  Sit back and enjoy this short tale.
    You know how I go exercising with some ladies from playgroup etc well there I was the other night with a lady I don't really know plus some regulars and we were discussing school life and how the school has cracked down on stuff.  For example one lady wanted to take in elastics for sport however she couldn't unless they are an approved brand.  Which is when I piped in with something about how the kids may as well wear uniforms made out of cotton wool.  I continued saying how I rolled my eyes when we came back for term 3 and some of the poles of an out door area are now covered in a padded material.   Welllllllllll it turns out the school added the padding because the lady's, who I didn't know well, child had injured themselves on one of the now padded poles.  Yep, foot right in it!!  Luckily that conversation happened at the end of the night so I only ad to wish the floor would swallow me  up for a few minutes!!

    5)  Kittens or Puppies?
    Kittens and puppies!!  Although I am a crazy cat lady!!

    6)  Do you have an item of cleaning or cooking equipment that you don't know either what it's for or how to use it? 
    The iron!!  

    7)  Have you ever cyber stalker anyone?
    Every Friday I have a peek at a certain facey page.  Not saying who or what!!  I don't really stalk thanks to having no time!!

    8)  What's the weirdest injury you've ever sustained?
    My 5 year old when he was 2 split my head open!!  Also occasionally I pull the muscle in my butt which is incredibly painful and really embarrassing when people ask why I am limping!!

    9)  Have you ever accidentally sent a text/email etc to the wrong person?
    Nope.  Lately my phone as been mucking up and not sending or receiving texts or emails which is really quite annoying!!

    10) Have you ever vlogged?  If yes, what was it about?  If no, would you ever?  
    Gawd NO.  The world is not ready for it!!

    A great set of questions, thanks Sarah!!  If you haven't already please pop over and visit Sarah's awesome blog.

    Turns out I know a lot this week.  

    For example my new name is now Doctor Quin Medicine Woman.  Another week, another minor medical drama, another late night trip to the chemist.

    Lesson learnt and I am now restocking our medicine cupboard to hopefully avoid such exciting times again.

    Pink is Song Of The Week.  I was devastated to hear Pink being played on wsfm the "classic rock"station.  

    I also know that children who will not gtftb have made this quite the short #tik this week!!  Which generally happens when I have a lot to say!!

    Last but not least- Happy Father's Day. Enjoy, whatever you do!!  I know the HOTH has some awesome stuff the kids have made!!  

    Over and out for another week!!

    Tuesday 2 September 2014

    Finding My Style



     Size 8 Womens Ladies Rubber Beach Thongs / Flip-Flops / Sandals - NEW Thongs $12.99

    Fashion Style Canvas Tote shoppers Shopping Beach tree Shoulder Bag Handbag 13 Bag $13.99

     Forever 21 bangle set $2.99

    I am joining in Blog Challenge | Giveaway | Outfit Under $100 | Finding My Style | Mystery Case.  I am keeping it very real and chose an outfit I would get a tonne of wear out of.  This is what you would find me wearing to something like a back yard bbq.

    All items I found on ebay except the bangles.  They are all brand new with tags.

    I love the shorts, they may end up being purchased!!  I love a brand name bargain!!  Keeping it real I would end up wearing my own accessories.  The top I could wear with jeans in the cooler months so win win there.  I don't really need another bag but this one is very versatile and would see a fair bit of use as well!!  I get around in thongs (shoes that is, not the underwear as having an all day wedgie is not my idea of fun!!)  in the warmer months and I love me a cute pair with a little bling!!

    Linking up yet another fashion post with Ms Mystery Case because gawd knows I am some kind of fashionista now!!  As it is Tuesday I am linking up for #ibot with Essentially Jess because duh it is Tuesday/#ibot day!!

    Monday 1 September 2014

    LBD Challenge- Boho

    Dress $24
    Shoes $10
    Black cotton bo ho hippie over shoulder bag
    Bag $15
    Crystal Aurora Star Goddess Feather Earrings LONG Rainbow Hippie Boho Magikal
    Earrings $7
    Necklace $7
    Bracelet $6.95
    Fashion Anklet Boho Beads Hamsa Fatima Anklets Foot Chain Beach Jewelry Hot
    Anklet $1.99
    The lbd challenge set by the fab Ms Mystery Case this week is Boho.  I also kept this outfit well under $100 (bargain shopping is a talent of mine!!)

    All these items I found on ebay.  I didn't bother adding the links as the majority of the items were ending soon.  I found all these things within about 15 minutes.

    I love the dress.  I probably would wear it over the top of cossies in summer or with some tights in winter (not that I have ever worn tights!!).

    I love a cute pair of thongs with embellishments.  You can get shoes like this from most places.  I always try shops like kmart or payless shoes for cheapie thongs.

    I love all the jewelry.  Boho to me means relaxed and casual which is what all these cute little things are.  I love cure jewelry like this.  I got the cutest bangle at our local markets the other week which would tie in with this too.  I should do a post on it!!  Good thinking Ann!!

    I do love the boho look.  I am a big fan of a maxi dress or skirt.  The loose and flowing material suits nearly all body types.

    Linking up for the first time in ages with One Mother Hen for some #openslather and also with Mystery Case joining in on her lbd challenge.