
Thursday 21 August 2014

Things I Know #21- What makes me happy

I could not help but play along with The Lounge with the topic "What Makes You Happy"

I am trying very hard to see more of the good in life rather than all the bad.  Turning a negative into a positive, glass half full and all the cliches!!

So here is a short list of what has made me happy the last week because sometimes it is the simple things in life.

  • A rainy lazy Sunday. "Rainmageddon" hit on Saturday night.  It rained for 3 days straight.  I managed to drag my butt to the shops to grab the groceries and that was about all I did on Sunday!!  The house got trashed as the kids dragged all the stuff off their beds to make a tent in the lounge room.  Then they invented some other games like hide and seek with a ball.  It was so nice to see their imaginations in full swing.
  • Dancing like no one is watching and singing like no one is listening.  We found some cool tunes on youtube and the kids had a boogey.  
  • A fun night out with the school mums.  Dinner at the pub then a few more drinks at the club, home by 11pm.  Good times.
  • Getting an extra day at preschool (finally) for a very excited 3 year old!!  I am now a free (sort of) woman 2 days a week!!
  • Finding something cool on facey rather than the normal shite.  Grammarly, get on it!!
  • Not one but two songs of the week!!

Linking up with a long list this week starting with

Musings of the Misguided, this weeks host of The Lounge
Creating Contentment for #thankfulthursday
Melting Moments for the weekly wrap up
Mums Take Five for Sunday Brunch


  1. They are all cliques yet they work. I was so suspicious and cynical before I started practicing my gratitude and it is working. Thank you for sharing all these little smiles with us for #thankfulthursday xS

  2. I remember the kids dragging bed sheets and doonas into the lounge to make cubby houses on rainy days. In fact, I can remember doing this myself! How lovely to witness your children's imaginations in 'full swing' ❤️

  3. LOL! That sign!! I love being at home on rainy days when I don't have to be anywhere. I would love them even more if I didn't have such young kids and could sleep in and spend all day on the couch with the doona, but it's one of those things I can't wait to do again one day. Read, watch crap TV, stare out the window at the rain.... Sigh.

  4. The kids and I dance a lot, too. Especially when I haven't reached my daily 10,000 steps goal . Otherwise they dance and I watch... try to, anyway, always get pulled into it anyway.

  5. Good for you loving the rainy days - I lose joy after about three minutes. I heard the dance version of Budapest the other day and it took me ages to work out what it was (but I liked it)

  6. Oh I love that Pen is broken sign!
    The Lego Movie is just wonderful and made me so happy - just that song. I am still singing it months after seeing the movie. :D

  7. Its raining here today and Im extremely sleep deprived thank to madams two top teeth being little bastards right now. I so want to bring my blanket down to the lounge and curl up on the couch all day but I have people coming over and have to clean the house, I'm still trying to find the motivation. I love all about that bass!

  8. Everything is awesome... i was here to comment hours ago but i got distracted with grammarly and then forgot what i was doing :) How was that rain! crazy huh! wish i could have stayed in bed alas the children wont let me do that. have a good week love xx

  9. I spent the day in bed today and it was glorious. I love the funny signs!

    Thanks for linking up with us at The Lounge!

  10. I am a HUGE Grammarly fan, and I love your term 'Rainmageddon', it sure has felt like that this week!

  11. Two great songs Ann! lol, I'll have to get onto Grammarly :)

  12. Just stopping by to let you know I've nominated you for a blog tour in case you missed it on twitter.

  13. I love, love, love dancing like no one is watching, and sing like no one is listening. I especially love doing this in the car when I'm by myself. It feels like the ultimate girl power indulgence! Commenting from MT5 Sunday brunch link up last weekend - sorry, I'm a bit late. xx


Thank you so much for reading whatever babbling has been written here!! Please feel free to leave a comment and I promise I do reply, usually by telepathy!!