
Wednesday 9 July 2014

Wordless Wednesday/ Thankful Thursday- Jump in puddles

I finally got a new desk.  A bargain from Officeworks.  Not what I had imagined but a cheapie that will do until the kids are older and don't trash everything!!

Not sure about the drink more coffee!!
Photo bombed by a dinosaur picture

I brought these pictures from The Reject Shop a while ago and will put them up around  the house so we can all read them.  I love the positive words.

Linking up with My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday and Creating Contentment for #thankfulthursday.  


  1. Can't hurt being surrounded by positive mantras!
    Enjoy your new desk. I love new things! Happy Wednesday :)

  2. It's funny what we will put up with in terms of furniture for fear of the damage our kids can make! The quotes are great, I especially enjoy spin until you are dizzy, we do that one in our household just to fall in a heap. Great fun!

  3. I'm looking for some quotes to put up on my office walls too. :)

  4. Congrats on the new desk! I'm in the market for a new desk too but don't have to worry about wreckage by little kids fortunately! lol Nice to surround yourself in positive mantras too! :-)

  5. Love the top one - I need to jump in more puddles.

  6. I love the positive messages on all three posters. I try to feature an inspirational message on the blog every day!

  7. They're lovely! Cute photo bomber too!

  8. Lately I've been making pretend coffee from ground dandelion roots. Then more coffee is ok ;) I'd love a new desk!

  9. Some great positive mantra's in there! Id interpret the 'drink more coffee' to mean take a break, have some time out, look after yourself. Thank you for sharing these words with #thankfulthursday

  10. I have a sign similar to this in my hallway. I love it.

  11. My son has just started going crazy with drawing and I LOVE IT. Must get a new desk as moving out of the lounge and into the play room that no one uses. Just watch, they will NOW want to use it x

  12. I need a new desk.. i'm currently using a bookcase for my computer. sad :( i'll get there one day.

  13. The first one is awesome especially. Such lovely home encouragements.


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