
Monday 26 May 2014

Me exercise?? HA!!

I don’t always exercise – LOL and Funny Picture at

LOL funny fitblr exercise meme ecard fitness yoga  

Today I am confessing about exercise.  Well my lack of it as these hilarious memes would suggest!!

I could give all the excuses in the world for why I don't exercise more than I do but I won't.  The exercise I love the most is swimming and maybe next summer I will be able to swim more.  

That being said I am going to learn to like it and do it and drop a few kegs starting this week in fact!!  I was invited to join a group of ladies who exercise twice a week just doing stuff in a garage.  These ladies will be great motivators and trainers and I am secretly looking forward to it.  Don't worry though I can't imagine I will ever be all .It will also mean missing the start of State of Origin but not by much, I should only miss a few minutes of the first half and still have plenty of time to see the BLUES stick it to the stinking grubby cane toad queenslanders!!

Come back on Friday for #tik where I will give you all my gory exercise stories from this week as I can imagine it will be a hilarious experience for all!!  


  1. Those memes are hilarious! It would be pretty hard to do swimming all year around unless you can go to a heated pool. The group sounds like a good idea, though. Good luck with it!

  2. LOL - exercise is good when you get into it !!!
    Have the best day !

  3. Go lovely - you can do it. I've got particularly lazy, more than I ever was before when I thought I couldn't get much lazier! Then I did a 10km SUP and now I can't move so I did a walk/run with kids and now I'm dying. Morale of story, exercise is the devil (but I am thinking about making it my friend) Thanks for linking lovely x

  4. I think we all need to start some sort of exercise challenge and stick to it.

  5. Haha...funny be honest, I love exercise. I think once you get into it and realise its other benefits {mentally and physically!}, it can become addictive... Hope you enjoy it!

  6. This reminds me of when hubster started going over to a mate's place once a week to "gym"... I think it ended up being more of a Tim Tam eating & Ally McBeal watching sesh (yes it was a few years ago) ... LOL!!!

  7. Group workouts are a good way for those of us who lose their mojo x

  8. Oh I am excited for you!! I hope you like it! I certainly have found the group exercise thing so beneficial!! (and I am sorry but there is no way you cockroaches are going to win! Especially not in Brissy!! Lol!!)

  9. Love those memes, especially the yoga ones. It's so hard to get into an exercise routine. Good luck with yours :)

  10. haha love the memes. Sorry to burst that bubble you've got but I think the exercise on Wednesday won't be the only thing causing you pain ;)

  11. Good luck with your new exercise regime Ann - I hope you enjoy exercising with your new group. And go the Blues!

  12. I like the running one because at the moment, that's the only way you're going to get me running, I hate running and how horrible it makes me feel. I just can't do something I don't enjoy but I REALLY need to exercise, no exercise is starting to take it's toll.

  13. I can see this exercise group is going to be good for you. Enjoy it! Hubby had a gym thing going on with the neighbours for a while, until the beers crept in on a Friday night. Not all good things last forever!

  14. Another NSW optimist. You people make me laugh!

  15. I am soooooo good at those diddly squats! :)

  16. Funny Funny. You can do it Ann ! Its the thought of it more than actually doing it. Enjoy !

  17. I take those memes seriously! I live a sedentary life and I think nothing will ever motivate me to work out. Unless the margarita at the finish line is guaranteed. ;)

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