
Tuesday 22 April 2014

Easter 2014

This year Easter goes down as being one of the biggest duds!!  A sick baby and 2 naughty bigger kids meant the Easter bunny only turned up this afternoon and only because they were going to find the stash as they won't keep out of my room!!

It was pretty spesh when they realised the Easter bunny had been when we got back from a Monday arvo drive/ice cream run!!

So here is my run down of Easter starting with the bad!!

  • A sick miserable nearly 9 month old who barely slept Saturday and Sunday nights and had to be taken to the medical centre on Sunday at lunchtime.  He is a lot better today thank goodness and fingers crossed he gets some much needed sleep tonight.  
  • For some reason we hit the shops on Saturday afternoon to get all the last minute bits and pieces we need for our holiday.  The big kids were feral and lets just say the person who puts a divorce lawyer at every exit of a large shopping centre will make a tonne of money!!
  • Apparently Easter Saturday is a big shopping day.  I had seen sales advertised all week.  Tarjay and Big dud could you please put more staff on if you are going to have big sales.  Seriously.
It wasn't all bad though

  • We went to our first ever Egg hunt.  So much fun!!  We had bacon and egg rolls, the coffee van was there, the kids played with their friends.  Then there was a magician who had the kids transfixed for a whole hour!!  I loved watching the kids watch the magician.  The 3 year old never turned around once just sat and watched, I could see him laughing and putting his hand up.  After the magician came the hunt which was really just a gazillion eggs spread across the grass.  The 5 and unders went first and my 2 were stunned that they could run in and grab as many eggs as they could!!  So much fun!!
  • Friday the HOTH took the 2 big boys to watch the cars.  I had grand plans of housework which were thwarted by Kylie/ who very kindly gave me a shout out on always Josefa's facebook page which resulted in some new likers for my page and for me to like.  All done while I was trying to find my camera (which has still not turned up).  Then the fun ended when my phone and laptop batteries died at pretty much the same time!!
  • Despite crappy customer service we ticked everything off the to buy list on Saturday.  I even got a good deal on our new camera which is apparently waterproof-  just warning you Fuji it better be.  I am pumped to try it out.  But really I am looking forward to not having to worry too much about it getting wet etc.  Thank heavens for smart phones which came in very handy tracking down a much needed item!!  Also a great bargain on some suitcases!!
The prompt this week at My Home Truths is all about what Easter means to you and I really think this year has emphasised for me what it is all about.  Family and time.  It was so nice to have no plans, nowhere to be, just spending time all together.  I am devastated at the thought of not spending Easter at home next year and will be really happy if we get to!!  

Clearly I wrote this yesterday (Monday) but never finished it so I am triple whammying with One Mother Hen for #openslather, My Home Truths for I Must Confess and Essentially Jess for #ibot!!


  1. You're a brave woman to hit the shops on Easter Saturday. Congratulations on surviving with your marriage intact.

  2. I did the solo shop Easter Saturday, it's lucky I was solo or there would've been blood spilt!! Why people insist on stopping for a chat in the middle of tiny aisles with squillions of people around on the biggest shopping days of the year (yes, every single time) I'll never understand!!
    I'm so sorry Mr 9mths hasn't been well. Sending snuggly hugs for him and his tired Mama!
    I'm yet to do the My Home Truths prompt, I suspect it'll be tomorrow!
    Here's hoping this week picks up! x
    Tara @ Hand Me My Sanity

  3. yugh! kids hey! Often I could leave them or leave them, but the magic at these special occasions comes alive through their beautiful eyes. Hope yours all come better soon for you, xS.

  4. I hope little Speedy is much better and YOU are getting some sleep too.
    Outsourcing easter with a family day is pure genius Ann ;)
    I hope your holiday goes much better than your easter xx Hopefully you won't be needing that divorce lawyer by the end lol ;)

  5. Always avoid Easter sales! You have been warned! Now you know and I am sure you will never do it again!

  6. I hate that - when you go to the shops during sales or busy times like Easter or Christmas and they don't have enough staff or cashiers open. GRRRR.

    Thanks for giving me shout out for Josefa's page too. Hope your little man is feeling better. xo

  7. Bloody hell what a crazy Easter lovely, and this is why us parents should never make plans! I hope the rest of the holiday is plain sailing for you :)

  8. We had a busy long weekend too! It went by too quickly as usual. I like the bright colours of your new blog design! Thanks for sharing the link to Suck My Lolly. Have been toying with the idea of making a few tweaks and adjustments to mine, so I'll definitely check her out

  9. We went food shopping on Easter Saturday because we had to but otherwise I would've avoided the shops completely. People tend to go crazy when they know the shops are shut the next day. I relished not working easter this year - I really love maternity leave!

  10. I avoided the shops all weekend - I suspected the hoardes would be out and about Saturday after being deprived of shopping on Friday! Sorry to hear your Easter didn't turn out exactly as planned but at least the kids sound like they had lots of fun at the easter egg hunt. Hope your little one fully recovers soon x

  11. Oh I avoid the shops as much as possible over the Easter weekend, Saturday inparticularly! I don't know what it is about the shops being shut for one day that sends them crazy!
    Hope your little one feels better!

  12. The egg hunt with bacon and egg rolls and coffee sounds like a great time! sorry to read about sick kiddos tho. That's never fun. I think Easter is about time with family too, unfortunately I had to work 2.5 of the 4 days, but at double time and a half it is really hard to say no! -Aroha

  13. Poor little sick baba and poor busy mama. It is always good when we can have a break and just be as a family. You amaze that you have the time to blog amongst it all. x

  14. you didnt know to avoid the shops the day after everything has been closed ?! people freak out. its like they havent been able to shop for a day and they NEEEEEEED something.
    My little one came down sick on friday too shes got croup again i had drugs already thankfully or we would have had to have gone to westmead. no fun when you need a dr on a long weekend.

  15. Wow it sounds like you had a pretty eventful Easter! We went out to meet my parents half way between our house and theirs (still a 3 hour each way drive!) to pick Dyllan up on Easter Saturday. The roads weren't too busy so everyone must have already been at their destinations!


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