
Thursday 13 February 2014

Thankful Thursday- Guess who's back

I may have done a little mini dance and high fived the kids in the supermarket this morning when my computer lady rang to say my brand spanking new laptop had arrived!!  She is so pretty and shiny and working like a computer should!!

So today I am thankful for

  • my new computer
  • good service
  • music
  • happy, healthy kids
  • the HOTH for knowing how important my little piece of the online world is to me.
Linking up a very quick #thankfulthursday with Rhianna from A Parenting Life.


  1. Oh yay for a new laptop and an understanding Hubster. Mine has said I can start pricing a new laptop as well, which is exciting. Thanks for joining in lovely

  2. YAY for a new laptop - I hope she gives you hours and hours of pleasure (and I mean that in the nicest possible and not sleazy way !!!)
    Have the best time playing with your new computer !

  3. Ooh...not sure where my comment went :(
    Hooray for new lappys!

  4. Ooh, I think I'd melt down without my laptop. I hate, hate, hate the iPod (except the snowboarder of the same name, I love him) and my stupid phone is useless. So I am very happy you got a new one and are all connected again

  5. A woohoo! That's awesome news! I can't wait till tax time and hopefully getting a new one, this old beast has served me well but she is getting on and deserves to be retired soon!

  6. It's just the little thing, isn't it?!


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