
Wednesday 9 October 2013

Wordless Wednesday- Someone got a new chair!!

Caption this!!

I scored an awesome bargain on one of those buy, swap, sell groups on facebook.  This high chair which is pretty much in new condition.  Even though we don't need it just yet it is perfect for now as it reclines so this little cutie patootie can hang out with us at dinner time or when I am in the kitchen.  Anything for 10 minutes peace and quiet!!

Linking up with My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday.


  1. my sister got a great deal on one of those sites too, and for the same reasons - so she could put her daughter in there and put her in the kitchen with her while she cooked etc. good score! your little one looks quite pleased with it, too! :)

  2. He's rather adorable! The chair is kind of cute too. May it bring you little snippets of peace and quiet when you need them the most!

  3. Thank you for giving me my daily dose of CUTE!!!!

  4. He's looks very pleased with himself in there xxx

  5. Wow how big they grow, I have to say I'm so excited to no longer have a high chair, although it was a godsend in its day!! x

  6. Wow what a bargain. And how big and gorgeous is that baby already? Time is flying by Ann.

  7. What a cutie! He likes his new chair.

  8. He's beautiful and what a fabulous smile he has, a little charmer. xxx

  9. Oh so adorable , love the expressions you captured.

  10. Thank you for the ooo's and aahhh's and soooo cute comments that just flowed from my mouth. Adorable.

  11. Bargain! I bet he loves sitting up with everyone too :)

  12. High chairs are like a gift from God. But the mess underneath....


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