
Tuesday 8 October 2013

Soundtrack to my afternoon

The prompt from Kirsty at My Home Truths for I must confess this week is 10 songs which represent you.  I could not narrow down anywhere near 10 so I decided to share 10 songs I heard on the radio the other afternoon on the most awesome digital radio station.  2 of which just happen to be songs I would have picked as my lifes soundtrack!!

I love putting music on really loud and singing and dancing my way through a tough day or a good day or the housework or a long car ride or if I am happy or sad.  Music is good for the soul!!  I am not fussy when it comes to music choices either, I will happily listen to most stuff.

Linking up slightly late as I got a little confused with the public holiday and daylight savings etc. (seriously it does not take much these days!!) with My Home Truths for I must confess and One Mother Hen for Open Slather..


  1. I love that Sophie Ellis-Bextor track - I could dance to that anytime! Thanks for linking up, even after the confusion of daylight savings and public holidays!

  2. The song I played in my head on endless loop yesterday was "Don't stop me now" by Queen. It was just that kind of day.


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