
Friday 27 September 2013

FFS Friday/ Things I Know- Long Day

The Bad FFS Stuff

Tuesday was "one of those days".

Snotty kids, including baby Speedy who also had a nasty cough.

I swear if I wipe one more nose I will lose my shit.

Being a Tuesday our doctors runs a kids clinic where you can ring up and make an appointment rather than sit around waiting.  Turns out the clinic wasn't running as the doctor who does it is on holidays.

After the big kids finally got ready we set off and walked to the doctors.  On the way I thought I would stop off and get some photos printed so I could write some thank you notes.  I hit the wrong thing and the photos printed out the wrong way cutting off half the picture.

We got to the doctors and by some miracle there was only one person waiting in front of us.  Although the 15 minute wait seemed like a million years.

The baby who had been coughing all morning miraculously stopped when he was in with the doctor.  After being checked out he was declared fine which was a relief.

We got home and I gave Speedy some panadol and tried to get him to go to sleep.  While also trying to make the older 2 go to bed as well.

At around 330 Speedy finally fell asleep only to be woken up about 15 minutes later by his brothers who had turned into ferals.  Not only had they trashed their bedroom they had climbed up to the top of our shelves and pulled down tubs of lego I had stashed there.  It looked like a lego bomb had exploded in there.

At about 430 I went to find the panadol to make sure I had it on hand for later.  I still 3 days later have no idea where it has disappeared too.

This was around the time the HOTH rang to say he was going to be late home.

Back down the road we walked to go to the chemist to buy some replacement panadol.  I did not want to be caught out if I couldn't find the bottle I had later and I thought the walk might make Speedy go to sleep.  By this stage he had barely slept in 12 hours.

We finally make it at toddler speed to the chemist, I grab the panadol and a face wash for me, get to the checkout and I did not have my wallet.

We walk back home at less than toddler speed, get in the car and drive back to the chemist.  Which meant waking the finally sleeping baby.

By this stage I was over everything and decided dinner would be a bbq chicken.  The chicken shop is right near the chemist.  The chicken shop had sold out of chickens.

We got home, I made the kids scrambled eggs, quickly knocked up something for me and the HOTH.  Threw the older kids in the bath.  All while juggling a screaming baby.

I think it was around 8pm that we finally sat down for dinner.  Which would be the time Speedy gave in and finally went to sleep.

Just as we were about to go to bed after sitting enjoying the sound of silence for a while the 4 year old woke up crying saying he had a tummy ache.  He was told to go back to sleep as he has a habit of inventing illness to sit up past bedtime.  Right as I was drifting off to sleep I hear coughing followed by crying.  I go in and see what was going on, the poor little thing had spewed all through his bed.

Put him in the shower, took everything off his bed, put him back to bed then sat up for a while making sure he was ok.  The End

Tuesday was not all bad though.  When we got home from the doctor and checked the mail there was a postcard from the lovely Me.  It really made me smile especially when I found it later that night.  Then One Mother Hen instagrammed a picture of her dinner which was the recipe I posted on Monday.  That also put a smile on my face.

I know Tuesday sucked but the rest of the week has been better.

I know I know some lovely people whether in real life or via the world wide web.  I know I appreciate the kindness.

I know I cannot comment on blogger blogs from my phone which is an issue as I read most blogs on my phone.

I know I just stocked up on some cider which will be tried over the weekend!!

I know I need the cider after taking 3 children to a shopping centre.  We walked out with nothing I had written on my list.  Apologies to the cat who has minimal food left.  At least we have dinner.

I know if I don't finish this soon it will be next week.  I am linking up with A Parenting Life for Things I know and Dear Baby G for the weekly whinge aka FFS Friday


  1. Oh no - what a sucky day Tuesday was for you. I hope all the coughs and sniffles are finally gone !
    I'm so glad that I made you smile on a sucky day ! (I don't want to land up being a pest with sending post to you !!!)
    I hope you all have the best weekend !

  2. OMG you poor thing. Your Tuesday almost makes *me* want to drink FOR you! Glad the rest of the week has been better. Shit, you wouldn't want it to be any WORSE! Hope you have a great weekend to make up for it all. -Aroha

  3. Oh wow! You poor thing Tuesday sounds like an awful day. I am so glad that the rest of the week was different. I hope Speedy, and everyone else is fighting fit for the weekend. Thank you for sharing what you know, leaving some fairy wishes and butterfly kisses xx

  4. What is it with these chicken shops with NO CHICKENS??!!

    Hope your weekend improves!

    Btw congrats on Speedy's arrival ( yeah, I'm a bit behind)! xo

  5. Awwww noooo! Poor sick kids and poor mum. I'm glad the rest of the week was better for you x

  6. Oh my god, I am exhausted reading that. Enjoy your cider, it sounds like you need it xxx Hubby polished off the rest of the asparagus dish, every single last bread crumb! It was delicious :)

  7. Well Tuesday sucked didn't it. Hope the next week is better for you.

  8. Thank goodness that days like your Tuesday finally end.

  9. That was a horrid Tuesday. Brings back many memories, when I had days like that, I would sit at the letterbox contemplating the what if's till I was ready to face the madness again. I am still wondering what happened to the panadol? xxx Rae


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