
Tuesday 24 September 2013

Bargains and Roar

Bargains I scored from the Salvos shop, we already had the cat!! I have way too much time on my hands and am now making pictures on my phone!!

I love me a good bargain and on Saturday I scored 3 times.  I set off with Speedy in the pram to the shops with a 4th birthday present, a new baby girl present and the groceries to buy.  We are lucky in our town to have a kids clothes shop, a Reject Shop, a gorgeous homewares shop, a shoe shop, ladies clothes shop, surf shop, chemist and a Salvos shop.  As well as a supermarket and a newsagents so I have a little bit of choice when it comes to present buying.

For the baby girl it took me forever to choose something.  I came home and said to the HOTH that it is financially a good thing we do not have a girl as the amount of cuteness available is ridiculous.  I ended up getting a cute little shirt and pants set. While I was in the clothes shop I got the only pair of size 4 boys shorts in stock as I realised over the last week or so that the 4 year old has 2 pairs of shorts that fit him.  When I went to pay it turns out there was a 25% off sale.  Bargain 1.

Next up the 4th birthday present.  I have a money limit when it comes to buying presents.  It is amazing the things you can buy for a small amount of money.  This present was a challenge as I know the boy in question has a lot of toys already and I didn't want to add to it, so I went to the chemist and ended up choosing a pirate watch.  Same story, took it to pay and it ended up being 50% off.  Bargain 2.  Such a shame they only had one or I would have got another one to stash away for Christmas.

Next up, I wasn't going to but as I just had the baby who was sleeping in the pram I ended up in the Salvos shop.  I love going in there and browsing.  I have bought so many things for the kids from there but lately there has not been a lot of stuff unless you have a little girl.  Hello newly stocked shelves.  I walked out of there with 14 items including Billabong shorts, Esprit boardies, Pumpkin Patch pants, shorts, baby body suit and a tshirt, a warm jacket, funky tshirt, trackies and a few more pairs of shorts.  All for the insane price of $40.  Bargain 3!!!  I did some checking and the Billabong shorts alone are worth $40 brand new and the ones I got look like they have never been worn.  Something for all 3 boys included in there.

If you don't op shop shop then I highly recommend you start.  Especially if you have a girl!!  I love buying books and toys from there.   I have brought myself things from there too, last thing I got was a brand new knitted top although I only wore it twice thanks to the mild winter we had!!  I also get books for myself I am currently reading (sort of as it is kind of hard to read a book one handed) one I got there not long ago.

I am loving this new song from Katy Perry and I have officially made it song of the week!!

Linking up for #ibot with Essentially Jess.

Do you love a good bargain??  What is the best bargain you have scored??


  1. I love a bargain although I am not very good at bargain hunting !!!! I do love getting to the cashier and finding out that the thing I had for full price has been discounted for whatever reason.
    On Wednesday I was looking for a top to wear to A's 50th on Saturday and saw some 3/4 trousers for $50 (which I thought was a bit expensive) but then A showed me a sign that said 2 for $60 so I went and got two pairs instead !!!!
    Have the best day !

  2. I basically clothed my kids for their first two years of life by going op-shopping. It's so much fun. There's the thrill of the hunt then the excitement of not having to pay much. It's almost as much an endorphin high as having a good run.

  3. I do love a good bargain and I know what you mean about girls clothes, there is no much cuteness, I could spend all my money! Thankfully the girls have 5 doting aunts with no kids who love to spend money on them so I haven't actually had to buy many clothes for either of them, just the odd outfit here and there, although I do plan to get them both some nice matching outfits for Christmas (yep, I'm gonna be that Mum!)

  4. I love a good bargain. I don't op shop. My mum turned me off it when I was little and would always buy these crappy clothes from them that I wouldn't buy. Buy when out normal shopping I'm always on the hunt for that something on sale what ever it may be.

    It's so hard to have girls and go shopping. I want all the things!.

  5. I have trained Miss 16 well - like me, she pretty much refuses to pay full price for anything. There are so many great specials around! We are also big on op shopping too :-)

    Visiting from #TeamIBOT today xxx

  6. UMM how exactly can you have too much time on your hands? With a newborn?? And I LOVE op shops, just not brave enough to drag three wee ones with me - but I will try and go when they are at daycare again - Em :) Have A Laugh On Me

  7. I love me a good bargain! For birthdays, we do have a money limit as well. I have never bought an expensive birthday cake (only the ones below $10 from Coles/Woolys) and as for presents, we get Ally many little cheap presents which don't amount to much. The thing with kids is that they don't care about the prices anyway! For Ally's 3rd birthday, we bought a limited edition My Little Pony collection over $100 (that was the only time we splurged) but she just ended up loving her little $2 toys so oh well!

  8. I love bargains! My latest bargain was at Best and Less. I went in to see if they had an sandals but found a pair of slip on superman shoes. The tag said $16 and I was happy to pay that. I got to the counter and they were $2.40!

  9. gotta love a bargain! lucky you. x


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