
Tuesday 3 September 2013

Another post about nothing!!

Last night I had a very smart thought, maybe all the problems I am having with my blog are related to me adding the blogger app on my phone? So while I try to find a way to safely uninstall it without deleting all of my exceptinally clever work please enjoy this selection of music.

Yes I have been watching too much tv and am a sucker for the dog/cat food ad with Paolo and also I love the song on the baby wash ad!! Who can resist a bit of Jessie's Girl especially when Dave Grohl and the majority of the Foo Fighters are collaberating!!

Linking this up with and also as I technically started this on Monday night


  1. I have the blogger app on my phone for when I was on blogger and never used it. I did have trouble with blogger though and found it disappeared when I started using Google Chrome.

    PS Some ads are so good they should win awards!

  2. I can always rely on you for some good sounds!

  3. I have an app called BlogPress on my phone, not sure if its the same app, but I find it makes the formatting for desktop viewing really screwy so I don't use it often, mostly for really quick posts, or to draft posts when inspiration hits and then I format and edit and add pics on the desktop. I hope you figure it out.

  4. I think I just saw jason mraz on sesame street today. Awesome songs, that QV ad is just adorable :)

  5. Gee I am a sucker for sesame street clips. Loved when I saw this the other day


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