
Wednesday 19 June 2013

Wordless Wednesday- The first few weeks of building a house

Week 1- Demolition

Taken doing a drive-by out of he car window!!

Week 1- By Sunday it was gone

Week 2- A cut block

Week 3- Slab down

So hard to believe all this was happening a year ago!!  The second part of my look back on building our house.
Linking up with My Lttle Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday.


  1. Happens all so quickly, bet it feels like a lifetime away.

  2. I bet you are glad that it is all behind you now!

  3. I admire anyone who builds. Too scared myself, and too impatient.

  4. I got such a fright when I started reading this post thinking to myself "Is this lady daft ? Building a house when she is so close to having her baby ?" - then I saw that this happened a year ago and I was relieved !!!!
    Have the bestest day and enjoy looking back at what was.

  5. How exciting. I would LOVE to do a knock down rebuild! Good luck with it xx

  6. I think it's so exciting when the slab finally goes down! We took so many photos too.
    Hope you're well hun xx

  7. How cool is that? My husband proposed to me on the slab of our house during construction, in fact right about where I am sitting now - HOW FUNNY, I didn't think about it til just now ;)

  8. How exciting, watching a house being built. Is so good to see the process but at the same time it would be so good to see the end results...building a house would be so good - you could create so many new memories!

  9. We are almost finished our little homestead after 18 months.
    It's great to look back.
    Thanks for linking up .

  10. Ooo my hubster would be so jealous of that shed ;-)


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