
Friday 28 June 2013

FFS Friday- Conspiracy theory

I tried to do a post on my phone on Tuesday and deleted last Thursdays post instead.  FFS

My words of wisdom are now lost forever.  FFS

Luckily I still have the comments in my inbox so I may be able to rewrite it.  FFS

I know last week I was whinging about people talking about Christmas well there was even more talk of it this week too.  FFS

Enough already, anyone with a calender knows there is 6 months to go.  FFS

It has rained here for the last 6 days.  Enough of that too Mother Nature.  FFS

Seriously, turn the tap off.  FFS

Thanks to the rain I had a massive stack yesterday outside our front door.  FFS

I am ok, just a little sore which is awesome since my hips and pulled butt muscle were nearly all better.  FFS

I believe the universe is conspiring against me so that I cannot sit down.  FFS

I think it has been about 3 weeks since I was able to sit normally.  FFS

In other baby news at my check up on Tuesday it was pointed out that Jellybean is posterior at the moment (spine against spine).  It had better turn back around or I will not be happy.  FFS

Add a sinus infection and this week has been great.  FFS
My computer has been doing some weird stuff lately.  It is making life hard.  FFS

I swear this is also part of the conspiracy to stop me from sitting down and doing anything fun.  FFS

Tomorrow I am going shopping by myself for last minute baby things.  I better come home with everything I need or there will be hell to pay as I am not dragging my butt to the shops after tomorrow.  FFS

Other than that it has been fairly quiet around here which is good seeing as how I can't sit down to write about it.  FFS

Should Dear Baby G happen to stop having fun on holidays and write a FFS Friday post I will be linking this up over there!!


  1. Oh no - sorry to hear of your fall - that sucks big time !!! Hope you are OK and can sit soon !!!
    We had rain here yesterday and they were predicting rain until the end of the weekend but it is sunny skies today.
    A says the weather is lovely up in Townsville - maybe I can catch a tan !!! Only if he has a balcony I can sit on and be in the sun - not sitting anywhere where other people may see me - not even with my clothes on !!
    Good luck with your shopping expidition - catch you later !
    Have the best day !

  2. Hello Ann, I have come across you thanks to Me, you made me laugh, sorry to hear of your fall, can relate to the sinus issues, mine are slowly trying to kill me at the moment, tossing up between Mersondol for the migraine or Phenergan. xxx


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