
Thursday 21 March 2013

Thankful Thursday- Friends


Yesterday I had a very impromptu catch up with 2 friends.  It was so nice to catch up even just for a short time.  We had a really nice hour or so at the park while the kids all played.  We have been trying to catch up for ages but some way or another it never seems to happen.  When we left we tried to organise another catch up but it seems like the next time we can all get together is in about a month.

This is fine.  It is all about stage of life.  Right now everyone is busy with their kids and work and other commitments.  It really is the same for all of us at the moment.  We are looking forward a few years to when all the 40ths start and we can start partaying without having small children to worry about. 

I also know my particular group of friends will be around when we are old and grey and playing the pokies and bingo together and going on old peoples holidays etc.  This is kind of unspoken amongst us  and as far as I am concerned anyone who doesn't "get it" won't be there with us, it really is simple. 

So to my friends I am thankful for you and that we are all on the same page and I look forward to getting through the next few years and being able to hang out and create havoc again!!  Although probably fairly tame havoc!!

I am also thankful for my two friends yesterday, one who gave me a bag of stretchy tops and the other who gave me a kids suitcase filled with some awesome hand me downs!!   Although I was not thankful when the kids were packing their suitcase at 830pm last night ready for our Easter break next Thursday!!

Thats it for my pregnancy hormone induced soppiness. 

Tomorrow is FFS Friday and I will be having a whinge about do gooders and policy making gone mad and how I have been cranky all week about a stupid rule/policy that benefits no one. 

Linking up over at .six by the bay for Thankful Thursday.  Also linking up with Jacana for Totally Thursday as I totally heart my friends!!


  1. Friends are the best, no one else can ever make sense of your craziness! :)

  2. Good friendships can be hard to find... but when you do they are worth their weight in gold. A great thing to be thankful for.

  3. That's lovely. I'm a big fan of friendships that don't need constant 'maintenance' or catching up to stay exactly what they are. People who know you inside-out, who you know inside-out, and who you can't imagine your life without.

  4. I love my friends too and like you we rarely get to catch up, but we always know each other is there. I love that you can see you all playing bingo and going on old people holidays! It made me smile and come to think of it, I can see my friends and I doing the same :)

  5. Nothing better than girlfriends - they just get it. Hanging out to read your whinge tomm.
    Thanks for linking in today.

  6. There's nothing better than understanding friends who are good company :-)

  7. I adore the time that I get to see my best friends, they are a must in my life! Imagine if they didnt exist..... Id go mad I think! Thanks for linking up xxxxx


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