
Wednesday 6 February 2013

Readers Choice= Freezer cooking

If i wanted to make four different meals to have in the freezer on an ongoing rotation basis what should they be and why


  1. Brilliant! love your work once again and some decision making done so i dont have to do it :) I always have some sausages wrapped into two's so if nothing else the kids can have something or they're the right amount for fried rice etc. i always have spring onions cut up and ready to go in the freezer they freeze so well. i can just grab a handful when needed. Frozen peas - my kids eat them like lollies and ofcourse ice and sliced lemon for my G&T during witching hour :) xx

    1. Great ideas, I never thought about freezing fried rice etc!!

  2. At any given time we have various frozen products mainly:
    All the meats mince, steak, chicken breast, sausages etc.
    Potato Gems, Spring Rolls, Garlic Bread, Icecream (naughties).
    Stir fry vege pack, baby beans & peas.
    Pies, fish fingers (hubby's food).
    Left over dinners (good for my work lunches)
    Left over takeaway (chinese, indian, thai).

    1. I must remember the stir fried veg. I love potato gems they are a weekness!!

  3. At present with the heat and children around it seems icy poles are taking over my freezer.

    1. I have been buying the unfrozen ones and just putting a few in at a time otherwise mine would be like that too!!


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