
Tuesday 5 February 2013

Lunchbox ideas- HELP!!

I am on a quest this year to not only become more like Martha but to win the coveted Mother of the Year title which keeps eluding me thanks to my darling children. 

First up on my list is to make/bake more and in particular lunchbox food.  This time last year there were hundreds of lunchbox related posts floating around the internet, this year not so much.  I am lucky I only have to make lunches twice a week!! 
I was given a copy of 4 ingredients 4 kids for Christmas and there are a some great ideas in it and one of them was for Toffee Muesli Bars.  After re-reading it I was sceptical at how healthy these were as the 4 ingredients are butter, golden syrup, toasted fruit muesli and dried apples and I basically I dismissed these due to the butter and golden syrup.  However one afternoon while watching Play School (as you do) the presenter made muesli bars and used golden syrup, butter and brown sugar so I figure if Play School are making them like this they must not be that bad.  So I will be trying the 4 ingredients recipe either Monday or Tuesday and reporting back!!

If anyone has any great homemade lunchbox fillers could you please let me know.  Also Common Chaos Chronicle is also after ideas too!!

Also if you know where I can buy a nappy wallet (I think thats what they are called!!) could you also point me in the right direction!!  You guys know what I mean, an insert to put nappies, wipes etc that can be moved from bag to bag. 

Ok a day late but I am linking up for Open Slather with One Mother Hen

Ps the play school link takes you to pdf files with episode info etc which may be a valuable resource for anyone with small children!!


  1. Wicked. I had no idea you could get the playschool info like this. I've saved it, coz I might try to make muesli bars one of these days and any of the other cool stuff. It's been a long time since I have had to pack a lunch box for a kid, Izzy doesn't start kindy until next year!

  2. I am the wrong person to ask! Whatever happened to a vegemite sanga and an apple? Although I'm glad things have moved on really, cos whenever my dad made my lunch he inevitably forgot that tomato makes the bread soggy. Urghhhh.

  3. banana bread is always a winner with my kids. It's really easy to make and you can whack in healthy things like LSA or chia seeds and the kids have no idea. I've got a couple of banana bread recipes on the blog if you're interested...just click on the 'recipe' tab up the top and BAM! you'll be there. Can't help with the nappy wallet thing, sorry. My kids are 11 and 8, so nappies are well and truly done & dusted for me x

  4. Check out Little Bento Blog for lunch ideas. She has some really great, creative lunch ideas.

  5. Thanks have been poking around and will try some of your recipes in the very near future!!


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