
Friday 15 February 2013

FFS Friday- go the f$%k to sleep

Surely this book is one of the literary must reads of our generation.  FFS

So true at my place the last few weeks.  FFS

930pm is not an acceptable time for a 2 and 3 year old to get their asses to bed.  FFS

Bring on Sunday night as things are going to get tough on the bedtime front.  FFS

We are still covered in green snot must be time to buy bubbles for us all to leave the house in.  FFS

Also the big one is still talking with a ridiculous kiwi accent.  FFS

In other sleep related issues I experienced the ultimate Murphy's Law on Wednesday when the non day sleeping 2 year old demanded he have a nap just when I was about to bundle him in the car to go to the nursery and buy a basil plant.  No worries I thought I can tool around on the computer.  WRONG not only would the computer not work but the wifi was stuffed too.  FFS

Lastly this week I have been glad that One Born Every Minute has not been on lately it really is not a good show to watch while pregnant.  Then last night I discovered a new similar show The Midwives.  FFS

Also not a good show to watch.  Who the hell thinks giving birth is a good idea.  FFS

Thats it for me.  My brain is fried.  FFS

Oh and apparently we will have no power between 9 and 3 today.  FFS

Linking up with Dear Baby G for my weekly whinge. 


  1. Don't watch shows about plane crashes before flying, or shows about giving birth while pregnant!! I am sure you will be fine... In fact a few months from now I bet you will be saying "FFS the baby just peed on me while I changed a nappy" ;) xxx

    1. I am getting impatient but excited now for all the ffs sleep deprivation, baby poo and vomit blogging material!!

  2. Will you have 3 under 3?? I did that many years ago, barely survived! Good Luck for Sunday x

    1. No not quite 3 under 3 thank goodness, you deserve a medal!! Sunday did not happen, bring on tonight!!

  3. Oh my Vodka gods - I LURVE One Born Every Minute - said as someone who will never ever allow herself to duffed up once again.

    I had written down somewhere to start watching The Midwives, so glad you reminded me.

    Totally happy to provide the painful, screamy, blow by blow recap for you ;-)

    1. I love birth stories so please do although not for few months!!

  4. Oh that Go The Fuck To Sleep book made me laugh so much in a book shop that the lady next to me kept giving me alarmed looks and eventually hurried out of the store. Too funny.

    Hope you get some sleep. x

    1. How funny is it!! I love your book shop story!! Sleep is fpr the week!!


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