
Tuesday 18 December 2012

Happy New Year 2013

Yep I am starting the new year early. 

This little family just needs to get through the next 7 days and then its r&r time around here.  We need a few days of sleep, beach time and do nothing time!!  Judging by the long range weather forecast we may only get one day of sun which suits me just fine!! 

I sound like a grinch but seriously I am over Christmas now.  I think the fact there was Christmas stuff in the shops since July and the fact the shops started selling "back to school" stuff in October combined with the reality Easter stuff will be in the shops on the 27th of December plus the pissing competitions over who is getting their child the latest and greatest most expensive toy that has completely turned me off being festive.  Don't get me wrong I am so excited to see the kids on Christmas morning knowing I/Santa have got them some stuff they will love and that this year they are really into the whole magic of Santa but if it wasn't for the kids I would cancel Christmas.

It has been overall a great year around here.  Not all good, nice things though.  In fact some real crap unfair things have happened.  But for our little family life is pretty good. 

I am not one for new years resolutions but I have a couple of things I would like to be able to make happen in the new year,

The first is to be more assertive.  I am going to start to put my foot down more, stop trying to please everyone all the time, say no to some things I would have said yes to and yes to things I would have said no to.  The only people I need to make happy 100% of the time is the 4 of us in our family.

The second thing is one which has me excited. 

Little White Dove

I read a grand total of one book in 2012.  That figure makes me sad, very sad.  I love love love my books.  I used to jump up and down with excitement and rush to the shops when a new release from one of my favourite authors came out.  The last nearly 4 years I have been fostering the kids love of reading and love it they do.  I am proud of that.  I hope they can continue to keep the reading spark alive as they get older. 

So when I saw this challenge I knew it was exactly the kick start I need.  I am going to read 13 books in 2013 and to up the ante I am going to make them 13 books I have never read before.  We have just discovered the joys of our local library and I am going to have a poke around there and see what I can come up with, plus if I get a library book with a time limit that will force me to read it (hopefully) thats the plan anyway!!  You don't need to be a blogger to play along either.  Pop over and check out Little White Dove for more details.

Happy New Year to you all!!


  1. Good luck with the reading. I am not sure I even managed to read one book this year. I did start one but sadly that is as far as I got. Between, blogging, commenting and raising the kids who has time for leisure reading hey?

    Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses #teamIBOT

    1. Ha thats true Rhianna!! I am determined though!!

  2. Good luck. I love reading, but blogging has made me slack. I would love to find a great book to escape into. Rachel xx

    1. Thanks Rachel. I love finding the perfect book too.

  3. I finally read The Hunger Games and have the next two books under the tree. Good luck with your reading... get ready for Easter it's only 4 months away!!!

    1. Nice one Rach. Easter is early this year smart ass!!

  4. Good luck with your new years resolutions. To read more for yourself sounds like a great one!

  5. I've just discovered a great Aussie author, Kate Morton. A friend dragged me to a literary luncheon (which you can read about at and then gave me one of her books for Christmas - now I'm hooked!

    1. Thank you I will be on the look out for a Kate Morton book. Lucky you being dragged out to lunch!!

  6. A group of my friends are starting a book club next year For two reasons - to read more books and to make sure we catch up with each other regularly. We have already set the dates (second Thursday of every month. Looking forward to it.

    1. Sounds great enjoy!! Would love to know whats on your reading list.

  7. I hadn't heard of this challenge. Sounds exciting! I'm doing the Australian Women Writers Challenge myself. Doing reviews on my blog has helped force me to read more - which is a good thing! Your library book time limit idea is a good one too!

    1. Thanks Lara I figure it may be the only way to force me too read!!

  8. Oh good on you!! I haven't read a book for ages either, and am looking forward to a bit of reading over the Christmas break.

    1. Thanks Jess I am looking forward to it. I hope you get some reading in over Christmas too!!

  9. I must admit I'm a little over Christmas too!

    That challenge looks excellent! I have only in the last few months been able to find the time to start reading again and I have been loving it. This challenge sounds like something I need to be doing!

  10. Good for you. There is nothing like a good book. I have taken to keeping my ebook reader in my bag at all times, then I can read in long queue's or while waiting at appointments. Gives me a chance to slip in some good reading time

    1. Thanks Elise. Love the idea of an ereader although if I am in a queue I have to keep an eye on my kids as they tend to run riot!! Would love to know what you think of the ereader compared to a book?

  11. Good luck with your challenge, certainly worthwhile! :)

  12. I think the glitter bags are wonderful. At least when you vacuum for the next few months the dust will have a sparkle!


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