
Friday 7 December 2012

FFS Friday- Is Christmas over yet.

My week started last Friday when I took the kids to the local pool and slipped walking into the kids pool smashing my back on to the step.  FFS

I have a lovely bruise the colours of the rainbow.  FFS

Saturday was another stinking hot day and was also the big one's preschool party.  It was at the air conditioned club but the air con could not handle about 200 people in one room and was not working properly.  FFS

Sunday we went back to the club for the ham raffles and did not come close to winning one.  FFS

I dressed the big one in an orange shirt so I could half ass parent and keep an eye on him by just looking for the orange.  About 4 kids all had orange shirts on.  FFS

Lucky we live in a small town and an old guy who stops and chats each time he walks past our place is selling us a ham he won at the raffles, $40 for a massive ham.  FFS (seriously how many people have had someone knock on their door and sell them a ham!!)

Sunday also saw the HOTH make a sad discovery of the wallaby from last week having been hit by a car and laying dead on the side of the road not far from our place.  FFS

I feel guilty as I should have rung WIRES to let them know about the random wallaby roaming the streets and breaking into our house.  FFS

Sunday was also the day I innocently started world war 3 amongst the HOTH's family.  FFS

No joke.  Wars have been started over less than the debacle that is Christmas day.  FFS

All week every time we mention Christmas it is followed by FFS.  FFS

Makes me glad I have no family in Sydney anymore, although the guilt trip phone calls of when are you coming to visit us are increasing in number to about 3 a week.  FFS

Bring on boxing day when it will all be over for 364 more days.  FFS

The baby keeps stealing toy cars from playgroup, he has quite the collection of stolen vehicles.  FFS

I also need to come up with some kind of party food for the playgroup Christmas party and as we missed last week all the chips, dips and cheese have been taken.  FFS

I cannot be bothered to think about what to have and cook for dinner let alone think of something and cook to take to a party.  FFS

Telstra are again about to cop it from me.  FFS

They changed my number back to the old one with no problems, but when I finally started to set up my new modem and sat on hold for the best part of 2 hours over the space of the day and found out that the broadband is set to the old number they gave us I lost my shit.  FFS

That was Wednesday.  I could not stand calling them yesterday so today being Friday will be the day.  FFS

How hard can it be.  FFS

Lastly hands up if you are designated driver for your partner's work harbour cruise Christmas party this weekend.  FFS

It was either drive or have to get up at 8am hungover as all hell and drive home so the babysitter can escape by 930am.  FFS

Making tough grown up mature decisions sux.  FFS

Linking up with Dear Baby G as it wouldn't be Friday without the weekly whinge.


  1. Aw, Ann! Telstra suck!

    In regards to daycare nibbles, can you do cheerios in puff pastry for puffy dogs at all?

  2. ouchy wa wa. I hope your back is feeling ok now. yep Christmas with me at the mo sums up to a big FFS. Can't wait til its over. Coincidently my son used to leave his cars at childcare, I wondered why thier container seemed to get fuller.

  3. I've just had a spanner thrown in my Christmas works...just when I was feeling calm about my plans going the right way.
    I'm making Tim Tam balls for my mums group Christmas Party.
    Don't even get me started on Telstra and stuffing up address' let's just say after a massive late fee that I refused to pay, I now get my phone bill emailed rather than by snail mail.

  4. I love your little ones vision of opportunistic toy collection... Smart kid! And good thinking, but bad luck with the orange shirt :(


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