
Tuesday 4 December 2012

A list for Tuesday

Last week on twitter Tegan from Musings of the Misguided was talking about list making and how she loves it for many reasons.  I am shocking at list making, I leave the shopping list at home 9 times out of ten or the kids see paper and pen and decide they need to draw all over it.  Then if I actually manage to write a list it is so big and daunting I hide it!!

Here is my list of stuff that absolutely must get done this week!!
  • Start and finish writing Christmas cards so they can be posted on Saturday (when I can escape without children)
  • Organise pressies/cards to post overseas.  Hopefully they will get there before Christmas!!  I have all the stuff it just needs organising.
  • Work out menu for the week- Sometimes I hate cooking every night!!
  • Work out what to feed 4 fussy kids and one not fussy adult on Saturday night when the HOTH and I escape to his work Christmas party.  (Don't ask how I ended up with 2 extra children for the night its a long bloody story!!)  I was thinking of leaving money and the pizza menu although my 2 freaks don't eat pizza!!
  • Also buy a bottle or 2 of vino for our brave babysitter!!
  • Work out where 2 extra kids plus babysitter are sleeping for the night.
  • Not essential but a maybe is a new pair of shoes for me for Saturday night!!
  • Do some Chrissy craft with the kids- thats for tomorrow when we have nothing on!!
  • Work out what to buy a "Grandpa" for our local wishing tree.  I got a small box of chocolates but need something else.  Any suggestions are welcome!!
  • Unpack some more boxes which the HOTH kindly brought in from the shed the other day.
  • Set up the wireless modem which I picked up on Saturday.
  • Drag at least one child to a bigger town to go to a bigger supermarket as I have run out of Changs noodle sauce. 
  • Completely finish the Christmas shopping-nearly done just a few more things to get.
  • Buy some tealight candles.
That right there is why I do not make lists!!  If I complete that by the end of the week I expect a bloody medal!!

In other news I have finally nearly finished decorating the tree and house.  Also last night when the HOTH and kids went for a walk a special delivery arrived at our place.  Ernie the Elf sent directly from the North Pole!!  Kids and adults (I was surprised the HOTH is in to it) are excited and cannot wait to see what Ernie gets up to!!  The big one was full of questions and I can't wait to see this morning when he gets up and sees Ernie next to the microwave.  Although I may change my tune by the end of the day!!

I am looking for some Readers Choice topics to see out the year so anything you would like a post about let me know!!

Linking up on this fab Tuesday with Essentially Jess.


  1. Ann, we haven't even had a chance to put our tree up. DH and I are arguing over it's location. He wants in in ours or DD's bedroom, I want it in the dining area. Just means we have to tidy up a bit. I just want my tree up lol

  2. good luck with your list - it does look like a doozy!! :( im pretty sure we won't get a chance to put our tree up this year... such a grinch i know!


  3. I'm a shocking list writer too - so glad I'm not the only one that (when I finally get round to writing a list) never takes it to the shops. I always lose them, too! All the best with ticking off the boxes on your list :)

  4. I don't write lists, but am able to mentally keep them in a nice order.

    Tree in dining room.. just my 2 cents.

    What about a movie ticket for the grandpa wishing tree present. (which reminded me I still need to do the wishing tree gifts at school)

  5. Hehe good luck with accomplishing your list! Im a list person and by that i mean i like listing only but never actually finishing through lol

  6. socks, hankies and a new comb.
    have fun saturday night - dont worry about all the kids and the sitter they'll be fine! popcorn, hot dogs and salad.

  7. I write lists but fail to cross things off ...I will learn one day to lower my expectations.
    Maybe a movie ticket for Grandpa I agree with Sophie.

  8. Yeah lists like that freak me out! I find it helps just to focus on one thing at a time. Then cross it off and move on to the next :)

  9. I'm an obessive complusive list writter, god forbid I can't get it crossed off lol. Good luck with your list!!

  10. haha my lists are all sorts of crazy things. My Christmas lists are already 3 in number. What to buy for upcoming xmas party, menu for Christmas Day and Christmas Presents still to buy. My lists are very rarely tick off to-do lists. More a case of I need to remember all of this shit so I will write it down so I don't forget it.


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