
Wednesday 19 September 2012

Wordless Wednesday- The Park of my dreams!!

There have been 3 positives for me in moving to our rental property
  • Being close to 4 different supermarkets 
  • Being only a 15 minute drive from swimming lessons instead of 45 minutes
  • Lastly finding this little gem of a park across the road and down a bit from our place.
It was clearly designed by a woman who has little kids who love to climb and explore without being helicoptered  This is absolutely the best park for little kids there should be more around  This particular afternoon I got to sit in the beautiful almost spring like sun while the crazy kids ran, climbed, played and explored.  I will miss it when we move home.

smile boys!!  i took this from the other side of the park and love how it turned out with a bit of zooming and cropping!! A totally random photo now one of my favourites!!

I know this is "Wordless Wednesday" but not saying anything is impossible for me!!  Linking up for the first and probably final time with My Little Drummer Boys as my photography skills are absolutely shocking!!


  1. I wish there were more playgrounds like that. I hate that most have things up so high where toddlers can just topple off. Designed by men? Probably lol.

  2. There is no need for photography skills with Wordless Wednesday - it is all about capturing a moment , snapping a smile and sharing whatever tickles your fancy.
    Love this park and your photos too.

  3. Well it sounds like you are really set up for life where you now living. Lovely candid photos


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