
Friday 14 September 2012

FFS friday- I have hayfever and it sux

I have hay fever and it sux.  FFS

Full credit to the person who invented the up your nose and away it goes cure for it but why can it not be tasteless so I do not nearly vomit every time I spray it.  FFS

I sealed my already busted phones fate by dropping it on the tiles while waiting for the carpet layer who had slept in past 10am.  FFS

I want his life, who the hell sleeps in past 10am.  FFS

By 10am we are on to morning tea round 2.  FFS

I had to buy a new phone which is like  something cave men would have used.  FFS

Meanwhile the HOTH loves rubbing his iphone and pad in my face at any given opportunity.  FFS

Speaking of the HOTH I never did get around to showing him this little blog.  I was about to then the dog caught a possum which died.  FFS

Poor little possum must have been sick to be on the ground and not able to get away plus it had dropped a tonne of fur.  FFS

In other news we are in the clear with the rental as someone is taking it off our hands.  Good luck to them.  Must have been the way I cleaned the mould off the bathroom ceiling that made them take it.   FFS

I have not wiped a snotty nose for about 4 days.  I have so much time on my hands now.  FFS

best shop ever.  I could have brought so much stuff!!
 Oh and I may have the makings of a real blogger as I took a photo of a random thing in a shop to put in a post.  I know 2 blogging bingo Nana's who will like it.  FFS

And lastly I had the shits the other day when I saw a certain blogger was running a competition to win a $50 voucher for shoes but as I still cannot comment on that certain blogger's blog I cannot enter.  FFS

But if I won it I would use it for an outdoor wine bucket I have had my eye on.  Its nearly summer I need cold wine.  FFS

Thats me done there are boxes to be packed and kids to wrangle.

Dear Baby G


  1. Isn't hayfever awful, mine has been driving me crazy lately!

  2. I hate it and it always strikes when I am out so by the time I get home I am all puffy with runny eyes!! Note to self start carrying the spray everywhere!!

  3. I get it too, try rhinocort, hardly any taste! Enjoy the move!!


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