Monday, 23 December 2013

2 sleeps to go!!

I laughed so hard I snorted when I saw this yesterday!!

I am not here today!!  I could not resist stopping in and saying Merry Christmas.  I hope you all have a wonderful time.  Enjoy guys.

Linking up with One Mother Hen for a quick #openslather

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Wordless Wednesday- Merry Christmas 2013

Ernie our elf
We have lights!!
Santa photos 2013
Tree done!!

The pretties!!

Merry Christmas Wordless Wednesdayers!!  

Linking up with My Little Drummer Boys for a very merry Wordless Wednesday.

Ps I have no idea why blogger won't display my pictures in some kind of order!!

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

I Heart Bon Jovi

Phil X you were a pretty cool replacement!!

Highlight of the night.

Found this someone videoed from an American show back in July.

Love Kid Rock!!

3 days after and I am still lost for words at just how amazingly awesome Bon Jovi were on Saturday night at ANZ stadium.  I knew it was going to be great but it was far beyond what I had imagined.  People keep asking me how it was and all I can say is awesome as I don't know what else to say!!

The whole night I sang and danced and fist pumped and did not sit down once!!  I got some photos and a little video but I was too busy soaking in everything!!  I found a few videos on the tube.  I did think there would be more as everyone had a phone and was filming stuff.

The whole band tore it up, even Phil X who is Richie's replacement.  Jon Bon did not disappoint!!  He is a god!!

Highlight if I have to pick just one was when the whole crowd sang Living on a Prayer.  A gazillion voices all singing and it sounded amazing.

Bring on the next tour!!

Linking up with Essentially Jess for ibot.  Merry Christmas ibotters!!

Monday, 16 December 2013

Christmas Funnies



Photo: (Y) Like Our New Page Here -> Sun Gazing


Ok not Christmassy but funny!!

 Please excuse my dodgy #openslather post which is just funny pictures found from my facebook newsfeed!!  It appears I am sick AGAIN.  

For those playing along at home BON JOVI rocked.  I have no words worthy of just how awesome the concert was!!  Full report on that later in the week!!

Linking up for what must be nearly the last time in 2013 with One Mother Hen for #openslather.

Friday, 13 December 2013



There has been no time for anything this week.  I have no idea where the days have disappeared to.  I have not even managed anything productive.  I still have a tonne of housework plus all the Christmas stuff left from last week.  I have presents stashed everywhere which no doubt someone who shouldn't is going to stumble across!!

I have 2 dogs who are free to a good home.  Their food stealing tally this week includes 2 advent calenders (which I got for $1 each and then had to go out and buy expensive ones to replace them) a bag of Christmas presents from playgroup which included bags of lollies, a bunch of bananas, half a loaf of bread and 2 bread rolls which I was saving for my lunch.

The entire worlds postal system is loopy, the poor parcel delivery lady is at my house every day with parcels which were posted at the same time and are turning up all over the shop.  Still waiting on  couple of things which hopefully will turn up soon.

Still on the Christmas theme I need a few more things and have no time or motivation to go and get them!!

At least Chrisy day is sorted for us although world war 3 may be on again like last year when our plans/lack of are known by everyone.

Facebook is still giving me the shites.

4 month needles.  Enough said.


Did I mention there is 1 MORE SLEEP UNTIL BON JOVI.

Although the logistics of getting the 5 of us out of the house for 1 night is a freaking nightmare!!

It will be lovely to have a night out tomorrow with the HOTH.  The first in nearly a year!!

I have been dared to chuck some undies at JBJ.  Could be funny!!

I had a lovely dinner out last night with some lovely mums from mums group.  It was nice to get frocked up for a night.  Although it turns out Speedy hammered the HOTH and never went to bed until after 10pm.  I may not be allowed out again!!  Also next time I go out it might be a good idea to remember to change my shoes and not wear my scabby thongs!!

I think thats about it for the week.time once again is not on my side.  I will be back next week with a full Bon Jovi report!!

Linking up with the delightful Rhianna as I am thankful for my 2 nights out in a week!!,  Dear Baby G for the weekly whine, The Miss Cinders for the fact I know there is 1 SLEEP UNTIL BON JOVI and for the last time this year as I have finally remembered and am linking up with the awesome ladies at The Lounge which is over at Robomum this week!!

I will catch up on all my blog reading over the weekend in between going to Bon Jovi!!

Monday, 9 December 2013

Rocky road

Normally at this time of year I would be busting out my you beaut chocolate truffles however this year I simply do no have time for anything like that unfortunately.  It is take a plate to preschool on Wednesday and I decided to make rocky road as it is so simple!!  So simple I cannot believe I have never made it before!!

I made a test batch yesterday and used 375g choc melts, about 8 arrowroot biscuits, about 15 marshmallows cut in half and a few raspberry lollies also cut in half.  While the chocolate was melting in a bowl over a pot of water I chopped the marshmallows and lollies and broke up the biscuits then mixed it together and spread it in a lined pan.  A couple of hours in the fridge and it was good to go.  I think it has made enough for a "plate".  I will chop it up into smallish pieces so it goes a little further.

Seriously tasty and easy!!  I made it nut free but the variations on this are endless, there isn't much you couldn't put in it.

Linking up for #openslather with One Mother Hen

Friday, 6 December 2013

FFS Friday/ Things I Know- Gastro


One word for the last week and a bit- GASTRO

This unfortunate episode started 2 Sunday mornings ago with the 4 year old who decided to vomit everywhere (poor thing) and ended with me being sick for pretty much a whole week.

I can now tick gastro from my bucket list and hope like hell i never get it again.

I am now behind in everything Christmas and housework related and will have to spend the weekend catching up.

In other annoying stuff I had to go to the bank a couple of towns over and have been putting it off.  I went yesterday and what a freaking nightmare.  Seriously.  No parking, people everywhere.  Get a grip people its Christmas not the end of the world.

I have decided to announce when I will be leaving the house so the roads and car parks and shops can be cleared for me to go about my business without having to deal with all the crap that goes along.

Also I posted some stuff overseas.  Lets just say it would have been cheaper to buy a ticket an fly over and deliver it myself.

Thats about it for the bad, I have been so sick and have not had the chance to have stuff annoy me.


Bon Jovi in 8 days.  I am trying so hard to not get over excited!!

No one else in the house got sick.  Also if I had to be sick I am glad it was last week and not next week.

It beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here.  We/ the kids decorated the tree on Sunday.  I have had some cards in the mail.  Thanks Mums Take Five for the card and glitter!!

That really is about it this week.  If anyone needs me I will be up to my eyeballs in washing, cleaning products and stealth present wrapping.

Linking up this gastro edition of FFS Friday with Dear Baby G and Things I Know with Miss Cinders.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Wordless Wednesday- Trip to the zoo part 2

Lizards and crocs, yuck!!

The cutest morning tea friends!!

Patting a snake!!

The best way to see the zoo!!
Linking up with My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday.