Tuesday, 30 April 2013

More of The Street

The Closer Sesame Street style, too funny!!

I thought I would share some more Sesame Street gold this week.  There are a million more funnies but these were the ones I like!!  These are the reason I love the Street and have no problems letting the kids watch it!!

Have a great day ibotters, I promise to have something slightly different for next week!!

As its Tuesday it is IBOT with Essentially Jess who I am sure will love one of these funny clips!!

Monday, 29 April 2013

A couple of weeks of baking

Chewy anzac biscuits

No bake vanilla slice

The kids and I made ANZAC bickies last weekend before ANZAC day.  The weather was atrocious, perfect for baking and after some googling I found a recipe and surprisingly had all the ingredients in the cupboard. 

The bickies turned out to be so easy and yummy however not chewy as I had to change a nappy just as the timer went off and should have take them out first!!  Still a big tick all round and definitely on my baking list from now on!!
The vanilla slice came about as all last week I had been dying for a vanilla slice however our bread shop did not have any!!  The recipe was easy enough but definitely needed longer in the fridge (my fault as I should have made it earlier in the morning).  Also the icing was slightly dodgy but I am not the worlds best icing maker!!  Still a definite make again!!

I am making this short and sweet thanks to blogger and its love of eating my posts lately!!  Last week was one of "those" weeks and this week is shaping up to be just as swear worthy!!

Linking up with One Mother Hen for Open Slather.

Friday, 26 April 2013

FFS Friday- Faaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkk

This is a picture of what happened yesterday. 

This is the entire contents of our booze cupboard which fell when I put 2 stubby coolers away in it.  FFS
It took me ages to clean up and the house stunk like a brewery for ages after.  FFS

That is all for this week, this was enough trauma.  FFS

Linking up with Dear Baby G for this weeks tragedy. 

Thanks to the HOTH for annoying the crap out of me by taking a photo when he should have been helping clean up.  FFS.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

A mixed bag

Todays post is brought to you yet again by the geniuses behind Sesame Street and the fact that yesterday I had the shocking revelation that I still have a few more Sesame street watching years ahead of me.  Thank goodness the episodes keep getting funnier!!

Saturday night I was home alone (sort of, the HOTH was out and the kids were in bed early!!) and I finally got to pick up a book and read.  Read I did until my eyes hurt and it was way past bedtime!!  I loved it.  I am now 1 1/3 books through the 13/13 challenge.  Hooray for me!!

That is about it for me today, I am off to clean up the house as the computer is being slow and really giving me the s.h.i.t.s!!

Oh and shame on channel 9 for taking Days of our Lives off the air.  Its bad enough they got rid of The Young and the Restless but now DOOL.  Not happy Jan.  Won't someone think of the Nana's.  Not that I watch it religiously but once in a blue moon I like to pop it on and see that nothing has changed in a month!!  Why could they not put it on one of their other channels??

Linking up with Essentially Jess for ibot!!  Hopefully I will be able to catch up on some ibot reading over the weekend!!  But if you have disqis I cannot commet as my browser is too old!!

Friday, 19 April 2013

FFS Friday- sickness and stuff

It has been a long few weeks here.  FFS

I have been on 2 lots of antibiotics.  FFS

The first lot was for an infected arm where the doctor had injected the flu shot.  FFS

The second was 10 days later for infected sinuses.  FFS

I have not read a FFS Friday post in weeks.  FFS

Luckily now I am feeling better, although I have weeks worth of FFS stored in my brain but no time to get it all out.  FFS

I will just start with this weeks.
  • GTFTB- after months of tormenting me the darling sweet children are begging to go to bed at 7pm and are both back to having day sleeps.  FFS
  • School holidays week 1.  85% of the time has been spent fighting, the remainder playing beautifully together.  FFS
  • Another week to go.  FFS
  • I spent an hour on the phone chasing up where the HOTH's Stone Music Festival ticket was.  Not an easy mission but it is now here.  Poor form to the organisers who only posted the tickets out on Wednesday.  I am insanely jealous as he will be seeing some awesome bands including Aerosmith and Van Halen.  FFS
  • I had a slight meltdown this week when I realised there is 12-15 weeks before another little angelic cherub joins our family.  FFS sort of!! (in 12 weeks I will be 37 weeks which is considered "full term")
Thats it for this weeks whine.  Linking up with Dear Baby G for a short whinge!!

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Monday, 15 April 2013

5 things for me

Love this idea by Leigh at six by the bay about a list of 5 things just for you to do for yourself in the week.

Here are my five things
  1. First and foremost get myself back to 100% without the need for anymore antibiotics.  It has been a horrendous couple of weeks here with 3 out of 4 of us on antibiotics.  Only the baby seems to have escaped, even the HOTH who never gets sick was struck down.  I was on the mend but seem to have infected sinuses again.  Fun not. 
  2. Suss out a new phone as mine is well and truly buggered.  A phone is a total luxury so I am after a cheapy.  I have the latest catalogue from the post office so all I have to do is a little research!!
  3. Buy a usb stick and sort out some photos to print.  Its probably about time I put some of our family photos in my "family" photo frame!!
  4. Read.  The last couple of weeks have seen a return to the beautiful things known as day sleeps and normal 730pm bedtimes.  No excuses now!!
  5. Organise curtains for the boys room asap!!  Now we have no more daylight savings the boys room which gets the full morning sun is bright at 6am even with a blind as the sun gets in at the sides.  Also while I am at it a little decorating in there too!!  If I have time I will also procrastinate on what to do in jellybeans room.  Do I wait to see if Jellybean is Arthur or Martha or do I neutral decorate??!!
Linking up for open slather One Mother Hen for the first time in weeks!! 

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Wordless Wednesday- optical illusions

Two faces or a vase?  The faces stand out more for me at a first glance.  How about you?

I have been googling these all morning!!  There are so many cool ones out there.  This has to be the most recognisable illusion.

Linking up with My Little Drummer Boys for some Wednesday fun.

Ps Thanks for all the birthday wishes from last week!!


Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Brain Games

Todays post is brought to you by the HOTH who got to spend a flight from Brisbane to Sydney with a tv all to himself and a sleeping 2 year old.  He was waching a show called Brain Games and was fascinated by it.  He spent ages last night finding stuff from it to show me!!  I have to admit it looks pretty cool and I hope we can find a way to watch all the episodes!!  If you have a spare 5 minutes this clip is well worth a look!!

A very quick Essentially Jess ibot today!!