- First of all last tuesday morning I saw crates of mince pies at woolies, i wish i had taken a photo of the offending pastries. ITS NOT EVEN AUGUST WHY ARE THERE MINCE PIES OUT ALREADY?????????????? In case the capital letters are not enough of a give away I get severely irritated by Christmas.
- Stop moving stuff around. My idea of a good time is not trawling the store looking for something that was there last week and has now moved.
- If you want me to use the self service check out I want a discount as everytime I have ever used a self service it has been an epic fail.
- Enough with the email activating of rewards. Make it automatic please.
- Ask a woman/mother before building your next stores. Below are some free helpful hints as it is obvious men design these buildings.
- Put a toilet in the store.
- Have a service where people can ring up and order a few things and pick it up without having to get out of the car.
- Have a couple of car spots for people who are just running in.
- Banish all toys and lollies or anything with a character to an adults only section of the shop. Give us a break we are still going to buy it just not in front of the kids. Think of the tantrum saver that would be.
- Instead of free samples of food why not free alcohol?
Thanks again for the link up Jess!!